Seasoned Traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Hi Julia

I couldn't get on the 14th September trip but am booked on the 20th September. I am really looking forward to this trip its something I've wanted to do for a long time and it seems we will see and do a great deal. How many of us are going? Who is our tour manager? One other question. Is the circular cruise in New York a Just You trip? I would really like to do it and wonder when I should book it.


  • (Member)
Hi Stewart,

I'm pleased to hear that you've gotten on to one of these dates - I hope you have a great time.

There are 17 of you confirmed to travel on this date and the Tour Manager for the trip is provisionally listed as Eileen Williams - it looks like she will be meeting you overseas.

The Circular Cruise, I understand that there will be non-Just-You'ers on the boat. It looks like this trip can only be booked 'in resort' so your Tour Manager will be able to book you on this.

Kindest regards,
