  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there Ben

Going to Tuscany on the 18th Oct. Have never been abroad before so please excuse my question if its a silly one.

I am assuming that just like the UK, the gallery's and places of interest are going to have entrance fee's.

Do you have any idea on this please? would be helpful in working out how much Euro to bring as they obviously will not take a card.

Kind regards Freddie

  • (Member)
Good morning Freddie,

Thanks very much for getting in touch, please see below the currency information. In respect of places of interest, there is plenty to do and see, and yes will have entrance fee's but I couldn't possibly hope to tell you prices as they change each year I would imagine and we have no visibility of this, I would imagine they are pretty similar to the UK.

Currency Information

The currency in Italy is the Euro (€), which is widely available in the UK. Sterling cash and travellers cheques can be exchanged at hotels, banks and exchange offices in Italy. Major credit cards are accepted in hotels, larger shops and restaurants. We also recommend that you inform your bank/card company of your trip to Italy, in order to avoid any problems when withdrawing cash from ATM’s; as a security method on your behalf, banks occasionally stop withdrawals in the event that they are being used fraudulently abroad.

Banking hours in Italy are generally 08.30-13.30 & 15.00-16.00 Monday to Friday. Most banks are closed on Saturday and Sunday but some may be open on Saturday morning.

Travellers cheques are now a less convenient way of obtaining local currency. If you do decide to take travellers cheques, we suggest that you take them in Sterling. Most Italian banks make a per cheque charge of approximately €2 as well as taking a percentage commission on Euro travellers cheques – charges do however vary from bank to bank and may be higher than this.

I hope this helps,



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ben

Thank you very much, that is very informative and will be a great help to me.

Kind regards Freddie