  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm new to Just You and have booked on the above tour later this year, but I assume that any holiday may be at risk of not running if not enough people book on to it. When will I know for definite that my chosen holiday is running? Another member suggested I put my question to Ben on this thread.


Peter Jersey

I think that you may have missed this thread. I am the member that told him/her to put the question to you.


  • (Member)
Good morning Peter/Jackie,

Sorry yes I did miss it, its sometimes hard to tell whether members are talking amongst themselves or have posted an actual question, apologies both.

Jackie - There is always a slight risk that a holiday may not run due to numbers but to be honest its not often, you would be given plenty of notice and would be given a choice of a different departure date, a different tour or a refund. But I can tell you that your holiday is cleared to run regardless of all the above!

Have a great time 🙂


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
That's brilliant news Ben; I'm looking forward to it. And thanks Peter.