Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly,

Sorry, Its me again! I have just been viewing some of the past testimonials of this trip and am a little concerned that most of the previous travellers sound young. I love young people and don't consider myself exactly ancient (I'm in my 50's) but I would hate to feel the granny on the trip!! Could you give me an Idea of the age range of my fellow passengers for the trip I am booked on please. It is the 13th March 2012.

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Bridget

The age range for this trip is currently mid 30s to early 70s, with the majority in their 50s and 60s. So don't worry - I think you will be pretty much in the middle in terms of age.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor