  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Do you know if you shall be running the holiday to Bulgaria next year, Black Sea Riviera, all inclusive. As dates only go up to the end of 2010...


  • (Member)
Hello Cindy, although I cannot say for certain what tours will be available for 2011, it is highly likely that our Bulgaria Black Sea Riviera will be available during that year. It proves to be a very popular holiday, and it might well be our only holiday focused in Bulgaria, so it will be well worth keeping in my opinion.

Kind regards

James, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I do hope this is kept in as I think it would be worth doing,seems very good value for money, myself and 2 other ladies will be booking if its included...When are 2011 dates made know on the JY holidays? I know is only 1st April..!!!!!!! but I like to plan ..ha ha ha ha


  • (Member)
Hell Cindy, we usually start advertising the next year's holidays after the summer, perhaps during September time. I agree, it is good value for money, and it is always best to plan!

Kind regards

James, your editor