  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I notice online that there are all inclusive holidays. I mentioned this to my Mother In Law, (she is not a silver surfer), she said will you be sending out brochures to people as neither her nor myself have recieved a brochure for a while. She might be interested as there doesnt seem to be so many trips on this type of JY tour.


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

We sent out our all-inclusive brochure a couple of weeks ago, so your best bet might be to request the brochure.

The easiest way is to use the 'Request a brochure' link on the left-hand side of this page. Europe & Worldwide, All-inclusive and China & Vietnam are all available here at the moment.

You can also choose between a paper brochure and options to view online or have it emailed to you.

If you have any problems using this service, let me know - I will arrange for your brochures to be sent to you.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
OK I shall request them to be sent to her and myself.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I HAVE REQUESTED THEM TO MY ADDRESS, BUT IT WONT TAKE HER POST CODE.So can please please arrange to have the All Inclusive and the normal single holidays abroad ones sent to her..

Thank you

  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I'll ask our brochure department to send those out to you today.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Olly

I am getting confused.

The people on the message board going to China is September are going on the 8th Sept.

I am looking at page 86/87 of the Europe and W/Wide brochure and the trips in September are shown as 15th 22nd and 29th.

Is there a mis print and I have not had an amendment?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Brochures all received..Thank You


  • (Member)
Hi Sandra

Your eyes aren't deceiving you! The 8th September departure was added after the brochure was printed in response to high demand for China tours. That date (and 15 Sept) are both now fully booked but the 22 and 29 September departures both still have a few places available.

So don't worry, no dates have been changed.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

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