  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I see the website suggests travellers introduce each other . so I thought I'd start a thread

Though not sure what I should say about myself

  • (Member)
I would start off along the lines

Hello I am Cindy, aged 60, married to a man who won’t travel far!,

I have been on 10 holidays with JY from Austria To New Zealand...

Just basic information to share...

Also if you have specific questions included them....IE is there much walking and if so over what terrain, I am a vegetarian will I find meals hard to get....How long are you sat on the coaches etc...

I will say I have done highlights of Tuscany and it’s a great tour, the tour has changed a bit since I went


Paul N
'Stirlings' wrote:

I see the website suggests travellers introduce each other . so I thought I'd start a thread

Though not sure what I should say about myself

Hi Stirlings

Welcome to the Forum. I am not going on this trip but went in May 2018. I don't know if you have read my review but if you go to the search box top right and type in "Highlights of Tuscany" it will miraculously appear. If it is not to late I would recommend balcony room upgrade (now £90 I see). I assume this is your first JY trip and not everyone uses this forum but if you have half the fun I had you will have an excellent time.

Enjoy Tuscany although it would be difficult not to.

Happy travels


Paul N
'Stirlings' wrote:

I see the website suggests travellers introduce each other . so I thought I'd start a thread

Though not sure what I should say about myself

Hi Stirlings

You will also need to click on "Reviews" section in drop down box


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi I'm Mark

57, Divorced, No children,

Love travelling in Italy,

first solo holiday, not sure if its what i'm looking for, the more i look at reviews it seems to be aimed at the more mature lady who looks for the reassurance of an 'organised coach trip' type holiday,

3 words that strike horror into my ideas of a holiday

I ve been to Florence a few times love the culture, the food though with the €/£ the shoppings going to be expensive

a bit of a foodie, so if any one is reading this, which i doubt, and their brave enough to catch the train to Florence for dinner, how about a night at

Il Latini or the Alla Vecchia Bettolla?

Buona Vacanza

  • (Member)

Can I just say try a holiday with JY if you find it’s not your THING don't do it again!...

You will always find the ladies out number the men, but do not let that put you off...I have travelled the world with JY it’s the sights I want to see, to meet nice people is a added bonus. Also I have met young people who are old and old people that are young...age it’s a number no more than that to me..

I was younger than you are when I went to Tuscany..

Give it a go what have you got to loose....


Paul N
'Stirlings' wrote:

Hi I'm Mark

57, Divorced, No children,

Love travelling in Italy,

first solo holiday, not sure if its what i'm looking for, the more i look at reviews it seems to be aimed at the more mature lady who looks for the reassurance of an organised coach trip type holiday,

3 words that strike horror into my ideas of a holiday

I ve been to Florence a few times love the culture, the food though with the €/£ the shopping going to be expensive

a bit of a foodie, so if any one is reading this, which i doubt, and their brave enough to catch the train to Florence for dinner, how about a night at

Il Latini or the Alla Vecchia Bettolla?

Buona Vacanza

Hi Mark

I am a little confused as to what you expected after I assume you have read the website or the brochure. I assume the three words that strike horror are "organised coach trip" I just wondered how you expect JY to take 30 or so customer on the excursions. I agree that for some reason the customer ratio is slightly higher for ladies to men however in the case of the 3 tours I have done the age range was very varied (20's - 80's). We all start out with something in common the area we are visiting and we are single travellers not necessarily single people. All I can say is the trips I have done the group has gelled superbly and I am still in touch with many from those trips.

Hope this helps 


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Your not making it sound very sociable?

More a collection of ladies looking to see the sights, with the comfort of a coach and a guide?

I 'm thinking its not much of a dinner party evening social thing?


  • (Member)

I was trying to give you my honest thoughts  but for some reason, you don’t seem to be taking onboard what I am saying which is a shame.

I would suggest you rephrase some of your thoughts as they are coming across in a very negative way.

You said..Mature lady who looks  for the  reassurance of an organised coach trip type holiday.. let me address this, just because  someone is mature in age does not mean they are old and decrepit, as I stated age is a number, I have been out walked by many who are years older than I am..I have been amazed at how young in spirit many people are. I can assure you as someone who has travelled the world and done numerous tours with JY there are not many of us that need our hand held and need reassurance in any shape or form, and yes of course most tours take in a considerable amount of time sitting on a coach. How else can we get to see the sights!!.

As for these tours being sociable, they are what you make them, not every body wants to be sociable 24/7, I know I don’t, I am very happy sitting on a coach by myself I don’t need someone next to me, I go for full on tours so I enjoy a few hours peace to just watch the world go by, or chill and listen to music, other people need to be talking or being sociable all the time. As for your comment about..its not much of a  dinner party evening social thing. TBH I am shattered from being out and about from early, so by the time I have had a evening meal, I  do not stay up really late as the tours I am on have early departures the next day. I am not saying there are not some people who want to stay up, it really is each to their own, each person has there own agenda of what they want from a tour..

So if your looking for a very sociable, late night type of holiday then I would say really look at what’s on offer...the two holidays where people did hang around in the evening more for me were Poland and Tuscany this was mainly because they are not full on tours they are more relaxed and not mega early starts and just the one hotel location.

As I said before, for me a tour is about what I am seeing and doing, to meet nice people whatever their age or gender is a bonus.


Paul N
'nixon' wrote:


I was trying to give you my honest thoughts  but for some reason, you don’t seem to be taking onboard what I am saying which is a shame.

I would suggest you rephrase some of your thoughts as they are coming across in a very negative way.

You said..Mature lady who looks  for the  reassurance of an organised coach trip type holiday.. let me address this, just because  someone is mature in age does not mean they are old and decrepit, as I stated age is a number, I have been out walked by many who are years older than I am..I have been amazed at how young in spirit many people are. I can assure you as someone who has travelled the world and done numerous tours with JY there are not many of us that need our hand held and need reassurance in any shape or form, and yes of course most tours take in a considerable amount of time sitting on a coach. How else can we get to see the sights!!.

As for these tours being sociable, they are what you make them, not every body wants to be sociable 24/7, I know I don’t, I am very happy sitting on a coach by myself I don’t need someone next to me, I go for full on tours so I enjoy a few hours peace to just watch the world go by, or chill and listen to music, other people need to be talking or being sociable all the time. As for your comment about..its not much of a  dinner party evening social thing. TBH I am shattered from being out and about from early, so by the time I have had a evening meal, I  do not stay up really late as the tours I am on have early departures the next day. I am not saying there are not some people who want to stay up, it really is each to their own, each person has there own agenda of what they want from a tour..

So if your looking for a very sociable, late night type of holiday then I would say really look at what’s on offer...the two holidays where people did hang around in the evening more for me were Poland and Tuscany this was mainly because they are not full on tours they are more relaxed and not mega early starts and just the one hotel location.

As I said before, for me a tour is about what I am seeing and doing, to meet nice people whatever their age or gender is a bonus.



Bravo and thank you. I have been thinking how to reply in a way that Vickie would not need to get her red pen out. I agree with everything you have said but put in a much more eloquent way than I could express it.

I hope Mark finds something that suits his criteria better.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
It sounds like id of been better off going on my own
  • (Member)

Thank you for your comments!


Paul N
'Stirlings' wrote:

It sounds like id of been better off going on my own

It sounds like the group may agree

Paul N
Hi Stirlings

You having now done this trip I wondered what your review and thoughts were of the experience as I hope you enjoyed it for what it was or was it a total disaster for you. Your appraisal may help other travellers.
