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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have just booked myself onto the Little Trains of the Pyrenees for April 8th.

Quite a last minute decision and not very long to go before we depart!

I am guessing several people on the trip will be those working in education - just like me!

I wonder if anyone else on the trip is looking at this forum?

I am quite tempted - as we have a free day on day 6 - to see if there is a coach from Roses back to Barcelona.  It's a city I would love to spend some time in as I've heard lots of good things.

Is there anyone else as adventurous - or would I be on my own?

Is it even a feasible or sensible thing to do?

I don't really do 'sitting on the beach' or 'lazing by the pool' 🙂.

Looking forward to meeting you all in a few weeks.

Now for the rest of the preparation... !

'AWebber' wrote:


I have just booked myself onto the Little Trains of the Pyrenees for April 8th.

Quite a last minute decision and not very long to go before we depart!

I am guessing several people on the trip will be those working in education - just like me!

I wonder if anyone else on the trip is looking at this forum?

I am quite tempted - as we have a free day on day 6 - to see if there is a coach from Roses back to Barcelona.  It's a city I would love to spend some time in as I've heard lots of good things.

Is there anyone else as adventurous - or would I be on my own?

Is it even a feasible or sensible thing to do?

I don't really do 'sitting on the beach' or 'lazing by the pool' 🙂.

Looking forward to meeting you all in a few weeks.

Now for the rest of the preparation... !

see my review on Little Trains of Pyranees - its a lovely trip! Quite a busy trip - at least ours was! I was quite happy to relax in Rosas as it was lovely weather and it is a lovely place to explore - lots of interest in the old part.  Just "be in the moment" as they say!  I found I explored Rosas in the morning, walked for MILES then relaxed on the beach/swam in sea in the afternoon.  Some people did a boat trip and enjoyed.  There is a lovely spa in the hotel if the weather is bad (in the basement - no extra charge) Its sometimes nice to explroe just where you are instead of racing around the country i.e. to Barcelona. The most feasible way to Barcelona would be to get to Figueres and get the train to Barcelona, I would imagine? By coach I would allow 2 1/2 hrs or so...a huge part of the day when you could enjoy Rosas?  Barcelona needs more than a quick day - I would savour it for either a long weekend or another trip? If you really want a good trip then Figueres is worth a visit - the Dali Museum etc.  We stopped off on the way to Rosas and enjoyed so much I went back whilst in that area in December and just enjoyed spending more time in Figueres.  Hope this helps!