  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Does anyone know if photography in Schönbrunn and/or Hofburg is allowed?  I am trying to decide which camera to take.

Thank you

  • (Member)
Hi. I was in Vienna last Christmas (don't know which trip you are on) and we did not go into the Schonbrunn Palace or Hofburg - most things closed!! However, the Belvedere was open and you can take photos in there. I now tend to use my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 which covers just about everything, but sometimes also take a compact camera too. Don't know if this helps!



'sjm533' wrote:

Does anyone know if photography in Schönbrunn and/or Hofburg is allowed?  I am trying to decide which camera to take.

Thank you

Hi. Yes have been to both Schonbrunn and the Hofburg a few times, and unless it’s changed, you cannot take photographs. Strangely enough though, under the Hofburg, in the treasury, where they keep the Crown Jewels etc, yes, you are able to photograph! Have a great time. Was last in Vienna last November’s on a Just You river cruise. What a wonderful city it is!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Hils and Charleyhorse.

I have been to Vienna many times but never inside these buildings. Now I know that photography is not allowed my DSLR will stay at home, and I will take the Canon G11, old but very versatile.  We are also going to the Spanish Riding School where photography is not allowed now.  However there were no restrictions when I went years ago and I have a film of the shows!

Thanks again
