(Member) (Topic Starter)
To everyone who went to China on the 20 May.

What an inspirational and 'mind opening' experience i found this to be.

The 'Lovely Lisa' was an excellent Tour Manager and such a lovely group of lovely people.

Thank you for your thoughts and care at the time of my visits to Hospital.

Hope we can meet up again sometime,

Love and take care,



Hello Peter, I hope you are fully recovered from your hand problem in China and didn't pick up anything from the flight home. I came down with an awful cold, cough and bad throat by the following Saturday which I can only assume I picked up from the flight home.

Yes it was a very busy holiday with so many interesting places to see and experience. It all seems ages ago now but there are photos and mementos to reflect on and I have kept in touch with Pat from Portugal. I agree with you about Lisa being very good at her job - she kept us as a group despite us all being different personalities and temperaments, also first timers for some of us.

I haven't even looked at where I might choose for next year but I will save that for a rainy day

Regards .....Joan W

(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Sandyleaf' wrote:

Hello Peter, I hope you are fully recovered from your hand problem in China and didn't pick up anything from the flight home.  I came down with an awful cold, cough and bad throat by the following Saturday which I can only assume I picked up from the flight home.  

Yes it was a very busy holiday with so many interesting places to see and experience.  It all seems ages ago now but there are photos and mementos to reflect on and I have kept in touch with Pat from Portugal.  I agree with you about Lisa being very good at her job - she kept us as a group despite us all being different personalities and temperaments, also first timers for some of us.  

I haven't even looked at where I might choose for next year but I will save that for a rainy day

Regards .....Joan W

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Joan, Thanks for the message and pleased to say that following a visit to my Doctor and further blood test my hand seems to be ok now, i'll just keep an eye on it. Sorry to hear that you picked up an infection on the flight home and hope you are fully recovered now. I have booked a week in Tuscany in September,still thinking about the next 'Big One'. Hope this message goes through as i have problems with this site, Regards Peter