  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

I have been on Just You holidays for many years and it is great to have company on holiday. I was due to go to Vietnam in February but hurt my wrist so could not travel. I have always thought that it would be good if there was some kind of link to travel with others to the airport. You could give permission to be contacted by another traveller if you wanted to do this. The cost of getting to Heathrow for example would be so much cheaper if you could travel there will another passenger. I live in Essex and wonder how many others are travelling from London or near Essex.

Wait to hear from you all as I have not used this site previously.


  • (Member)
The Idea is good in principle Heather, but there are a lot of problems. Solos the holiday company looked at arranging something along those lines but due to the potential for legal problems even when consent is given meant it was not practical.could always ask the Editor


Hi Heather

I think that is a great idea. I have recently booked my first JY holiday to Andalucia on May 15th and although i am really looking forward to it, i feel nervous travelling to Gatwick and being at the airport on my own until i meet up with the rest of the group.

It would be lovely to hear from anybody else who is going on this trip.


Mick W
  • (Member)
By posting on the forum some other traveller may reply, you can then exchange email addresses via Julia if both people agree. I've done this on many occasions to arrange meet ups at the airport or the night before if staying over.

The only problem is that not everyone uses the forum so its a bit of a lottery whether someone from the same area will see your post.
