  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

Are JustYou thinking of any one off holidays for 2014?

I recently arrived back from the Aloha Hawaii trip.



  • (Member)
Hi Keith,

JY Will and his team are always thinking.....

I understand that they are considering a handful of new tours and one one-off tour for January's brochure.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

This sounds intruiging, but I also find this very frustrating! I've booked two holidays for next year (and stretched the budget to breaking point!) but held off till the Sept brochure came out to book the second one so I'd have the full range to choose from. I'm anxious not to miss out on any great holidays that might not be repeated, but it looks like I might - again! For example, the Hawaii and Kerala tours both interest me but it looks like they are not being repeated in the short term at any rate and I might have missed my opportunity.

Does this mean that I should wait until January in future to ensure I have the widest possible choice of destinations? My big problem then is that my work diary is very messy and I need as much notice as possible if I am to block off the necessary dates and January might not give me enough notice. This is why I usually book 9 - 12 months in advance. I know Will is doing his very best to accomodate everyone, but perhaps a way forward would be to even give a hint of likely or possible one off destinations the previous Sept, even if dates weren't finalised until January? In this way, I could at least make the decision to either book in Sept when I have more flexibility regarding dates, or else [/i]wait till the following January in the hope that I can do one of the one-off tours and that I will also be able to travel when it is on? Then again, if I wait till January and either the dates or destinations of any one off tours don't suit, it might be too late for me to book the one I was going to book the previous September (if you know what I mean!).

Sorry to be troublesome, but it's a big world out there and I really want to see as much of it as I can, while I can!



  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

I'm sorry to hear you find it frustrating - I will share your comments and suggestions with the wider team to consider.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia, many thanks! I know it's a bit of a no win situation, but I just want to have the best possible choice of holiday destinations!

All the best,


  • (Member)
No worries - as one of the voices of the community it's important that you have your say and share with us your thoughts and opinions about how we work.

Kindest regards,


I agree with Bob to be honest Julia. I too have to book my holidays far in advance because of work.
JY Will
I totally get what you are saying, but I don't think there will ever be a brochure where we don't put out new tours. From our point of view we need to make sure we have always got a range of holidays in our brochures that attracts bookers, both new and exisiting. Like you say Bob, it's a bit of a no win situation, but if you see a holiday you really fancy then I would book it when you see it and try not to worry about any new ones that come out after. The ones we have for January are rather niche and I don't think they would have affected tour.

(Kerala is looking good for 2015 just so you know)

  • (Member)
Hi Will, thanks for the info which is very helpful. I'm kind of thinking of Australia for 2015 but that may change! If at any stage you are thinking of doing a JY version of the TS Indonesia tour or any new African destinations (esp. Tanzania, Namibia or Ethiopia), I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know as soon as they are likely - even if you could just tell me the month they might be offered and I might be able to swing it!



JY Will
stand down Bob, none of those will be available in 2014 for sure.

We will be looking at Africa for 2015 to see if we can find a good quality tour at a good price to offer. I'd be hopeful of getting new long haul tours for 2015 available from our May brochure

  • (Member)
Hi Will

Good to know that Kerala is looking good for 2015 - can't wait.


  • (Member)
Hi Will, not sure about the stand down comment but many thanks regarding dates possibly being available in the May brochure - that would be really helpful! And if there was a new exciting Africa tour, with safari and scenery, well that would put Australia on the back burner for another while!

Have a good weekend,


Julie White
He Jaya,

Kerala was a fantastic holiday I got back last week.

Make sure you book it for 2015. You will love it.

Take care Julie

JY Will
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Will, not sure about the stand down comment but many thanks regarding dates possibly being available in the May brochure - that would be really helpful! And if there was a new exciting Africa tour, with safari and scenery, well that would put Australia on the back burner for another while!

Have a good weekend,


sorry Bob, stand down is one of the things I say instead of don't worry. No offence intended!

Glad to hear we are continuing to make your holiday choices difficult anyway - better to have too much choice than too little I think

  • (Member)
Its funny the little sayings we say, which are just say from the area we have been brought up either that or our lives...

Will re stand down...are you ex military by any chance LOL


JY Will
'nixon' wrote:

Its funny the little sayings we say, which are just say from the area we have been brought up either that or our lives...

Will re stand down...are you ex military by any chance LOL


haha, no, that really wouldn't be my style!

  • (Member)
Hi Julie

Are you going to write a review on Kerala? I was really disappointed when I had to cancel the Kerala holiday. I am glad you had a lovely time. Hopefully I will be able to go in 2015.


  • (Member)
Hi Will, thanks for that clarification - I didn't think I was being aggressive or anything!!! Yes it's great to have too many decisions to make regarding holiday destinations. Just hope that health and financial considerations work out and I've an idea of where I'd like to go for the next six or seven years already!

Keep up the great work and looking forward to seeing the new tours that each new brochure will bring!



'Julie wrote:

He Jaya,

Kerala was a fantastic holiday I got back last week.

Make sure you book it for 2015. You will love it.

Take care Julie

I agree with Julie, Kerala was a great holiday. Compared to the vibrant hustle, bustle and noise of the north, Kerala with its backwaters is much quieter and laid back. For me this holiday did not disappoint, the itinerary was well put together and showcased Kerala as it really is, there is nothing I would have changed but, having done an orientation tour of Mumbai before leaving to come home, I wish there had been a Mumbai add-on so there would have been more time to take in the sights of that great metropolis. Kerala deserves a place in the 2015 brochure. I loved every minute of the Spirit of India holiday and equally loved every minute of Kerala, the comparison between the north and south makes it hard to believe they are both part of the same country.

Thanks JY Will for the chance you gave us to see this part of India, I hope this holiday goes on to be a success for everyone who wishes to go there in the future.

PS Have a great new year in Iceland Julie, it'll be here before you know it, I hope you get your wish to see the northern lights.

Julie White
Hello Avocet64,

Thank you I am really looking forward to Iceland it will be a complete contrast To Kerala. Fingers crossed for the Northern Lights.

I agree the tour was well put together and we had lots of added extras, including the martial arts show which is one of the best I have ever been to. Although we moved about a lot, I felt that we still had a relaxing time and I loved my Indian head massage and yoga sessions.

This holiday must be put in the new brochure it was a fantastic experience not to be missed.

Thanks again, by the way, you forget to leave your name.

Warm regards Julie:thumbup: