(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

Anyone else going to Andalucia on 29th August and would like to get in touch before hand and perhaps arrange to meetup at the airport for a coffee? I am flying from Belfast to Gatwick early in the morning so will have a few hours in the airport before the flight to Malaga. It would be a nice opportunity to get to know some of my fellow travellers.


Hi Ruth

I have just booked the Treasures of Andalucia on 29th August. This is my first holiday on my own, like you, I have a morning flight from Edinburgh to Gatwick and have a few hours before the Malaga flight. Coffee and /or a browse of the shops before hand would be fantastic.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley

Coffee and a browse around the shops sounds like a good plan 🙂 Perhaps Julia will pass on my contact details so that we can arrange to meet up at the airport.


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley,

If you can just reply to this post that you are happy to receive Ruth's email address I will pass this on for you as soon as possible.

Kindest regards,


Hi Ruth, that would be fantastic. I looking to speaking to you soon.

Julia, If you can sent on Ruth's email address, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much.


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley

I have just dropped you an email with Ruth's email address.

Kindest regards,


Hi there

I am going on the Treasures of Andalucia on the 29th August. It is my first holiday with Just You, but not my first singles holiday, so I am a little bit nervous. I am flying from Stansted on the easyJet 06.05 flight. Is there anyone else on that flight?
