  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi I am thinking of going to Sicily in June it will be my first on my own,has anybody been there,would love to hear feed back.
Hi Jane,

I've been to Sicily but not with Just You. I was there once during Easter time. We went up Mount Etna and all the locals were picnicing on the way up, having family get-togethers. We were stopped every few minutes on our way up and offered food, Red wine which was in large plastic containers. They were so friendly to us. Did not reach the hights but the views were magnificent.

The Italian way is very different to ours, the food is magnificent and although I am not to fond of pizza I found theirs was delicious.

I think you will enjoy Sicily especially if JY organise it.

Have a wonderful holiday when you do go.

