(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thinking of going to Peru. Has anyone been onhistrip. What is the bet time to go.

  • (Member)
Hi Lorraine, there have been a number of threads on this holiday recently, if you scroll down over the next page or two you will find them. It looks like an amazing and full on tour, one I hope to do a couple of years down the road. Hope you take the plunge!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
I meant to add, check the Ask your Editor section and you will find them there!



Hi there - I have booked my first JY trip to Turkey in September BUT it has been one of my lifetime dreams to visit Macchu Piccu (sp?) so I am considering that for next March (it all depends on finances). I work in a large international organization and have several Peruvian colleagues and they have all told me March is a good time to go.

Having said that, one former colleague has a hotel in Cuzco, one offered me his house there so I could probably travel for half the price BUT on a trip like this I want the security of a well organized trip and so am not ready to "wing it" just yet. Having the security of JY tour guide is far more important at this stage.

Who knows, we may just meet up on the trip!


Hallo again - I just received an email from my friend in Cuzco and she says March is lovely. For what it's worth. Now I just have to find the money ...... Anna
'lorraine@horlor.com' wrote:


Thinking of going to Peru. Has anyone been onhistrip. What is the bet time to go.

Carol 2
Hi Lorraine

reading the blogs it appears that March is the the best time to go, I'm off to China on Sept 12 2012, subject to how Just You look after me, I am already thinking of Peru next March with the possible add on of the Amazon, I will look into it more fully upon my return from China.

Perhaps I'll meet you then.


Hello Lorraine,

I'm considering visiting Peru during march next year with justyou, I'd particularly like to visit Machu Pichu.

I'd like to think that I'll know more clearly by the end of the year, unless it's fully booked.

If I do go it'll be my 7th holiday with justyou. My 5th tour will be to Prague, Vienna & Budapest next month & my 6th will be to Bruges @ Xmas.