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Hello All, I am new to this forum and am presently thinking of my first holiday on my own! I'm looking at a holiday in Northern Cyprus and was wondering if I need a visa; also I've heard that there can be problems visiting Greece or the Republic of Cyprus if there is a TRNC stamp in a passport. Can anyone tell me if my passport will be stamped if I were to go to Northern Cyprus?

Do I need any vaccinations for travel to Northern Cyprus?

Would love any advice. Thanks

Hi TimerOne

I went to Northern Cyprus earlier this month. Our group had to complete a paper visa which was stamped on arrival in the North, not the passport and is free. A couple of us went across the border to the South just for the experience. North and South are totally different. Was glad to move back to the North!

The FCO website offers country travel advice and says about travel to TRNC and visas. Also it has a link to the NaTHNaC website which will give advice on vaccinations required.

Hope this helps.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SylviaJ' wrote:

Hi TimerOne

I went to Northern Cyprus earlier this month. Our group had to complete a paper visa which was stamped on arrival in the North, not the passport and is free. A couple of us went across the border to the South just for the experience. North and South are totally different. Was glad to move back to the North!

The FCO website offers country travel advice and says about travel to TRNC and visas. Also it has a link to the NaTHNaC website which will give advice on vaccinations required.

Hope this helps.


Hi Sylvia, thanks for your helpful response. I did look on the NaTHNaC website and found it a little confusing as it seemed to link both Northern and Southern Cyrpus together. Perhaps it was the way I interpreted it! Did you have any vaccinations for travelling to Northern Cyrpus?

Thanks a lot.


I had Hep A & Tetanus for a previous holiday so didn't have any jabs specifically for Cyprus.

North and South Cyprus are linked as its only the UN buffer zone that separates them (and the politics).


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks again Sylvia for your helpful response. I'm booked to have a tetanus jab next month.
