• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am going on this trip - my first ever with Just You - Anyone else out there going please? Obviously a bit apprehensive - wonder how much money I should take and in what currency?

  • (Member)
Hi sorry cant help you, but I am also going on the China trip in September and would be interested in hearing your responses, it is also my first JY trip and am feeling apprenhensive too !! I was wondering what China Air was like as I have not heard very good reports about them, can anyone shed any light?


Jilly Windy Miller
I went on this trip last September - my first with Just You - and it was absolutely brilliant. Very full on and busy but it needed to be as there was so much to fit in. The hotels were excellent. There are a few reviews on the actual trip so will answer the particular questions asked.

With regard to how much money to take it's more a question of how long is a piece of string! At one end of the scale you don't need to take a lot as all meals and a drink at each one and 90% of the excursions are already paid for but on the other end if you want to take home lots of souvenirs you might need lots more. I took £300 and brought some back and certainly didn't skimp on anything.

With regard to Air China I too was apprehensive as had heard bad reports but the opposite was true, they were very good. Maybe we were lucky as we had a new plane going out and coming back but everything was absolutely fine; the food was good (providing you are not fussy) with a choice of English or Chinese, the staff were very pleasant, the entertainment was fairly limited but there were English films to hand. The loos were modern and clean.

You will have a great time and as soon as you get home you'll be looking in the brochure to see where to go to next. In my case South Africa. Then Canada, then .... who knows, Just You will probably be bringing out something new to tempt me!

  • (Member)

I have not been on this tour but i think everybody who has never been on a singles tour is nervous to some degree but i am confident in saying to you that theres no need to be! China is a full on but by all accounts a very fulfilling tour so go for it!


  • (Member)

I have read many good reviews about this trip. I would love to go one day and have added it to my ever growing list of destinations to visit! I am sure you will have a wonderful time.
