  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Ive finally done it and booked my first holiday with JY. Nervous but very excited, so it will be good to be in touch with fellow travellers. Ive treated myself for my 60th and so looking forward to it.


Jackie Datson
'Yvonne25' wrote:

Ive finally done it and booked my first holiday with JY. Nervous but very excited, so it will be good to be in touch with fellow travellers. Ive treated myself for my 60th and so looking forward to it.


Hi Yvonne -

Having been to SA a few years ago with Just You (and having booked to go again later this year with the Zambia add-on), I can promise you that you'll have the most amazing and unforgettable holiday imaginable - as our Tour Manager said in 2008, there's something about South Africa that grabs hold of you and won't let go!

As a veteran of three previous JY holidays, I can honestly say I only wish I'd known about them long before my first trip with them to New Zealand in 2006.

Have a great trip, but leave some guava for me when I go in November!



  • (Member)

Well done on making the booking. That's the hard bit done - now you can start getting excited about the adventure you're going on. I'll be celebrating my birthday while we're out there so we can raise a glass together.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much Jackie im so excited and feel so brave. Ever testimony is so positive about South Africa it sounds like a dream come true and I'm going to be marking the calender off daily. Regards Yvonne

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Sally I must admit now ive done it I feel really excited and can't wait. Lovely to hear it will be your birthday when we are out there what a way to celebrate. I will be in touch later with all my questions re money and currency to take. Presumably we wil be able to wash a few items of clothing along the way as we can't take 3 wks worth, or maybe we all get a bit scruffy towards the end like 'Celebrity in the jungle' ha ha!!!



  • (Member)
Hi Yvonne

The other thing to think about is jabs and malaria tablets. Depending on how much you've travelled previously, you may have to have loads of jabs. Your GP will be able to advise you on this but it needs doing around eight weeks before we fly out. The big one is Yellow Fever which costs an arm and a leg but lasts ten years (and gives you an excuse to travel more and get your monies worth!)

Don't worry too much about clothes cos we'll all be in the same boat and I don't think people pay much attention to what others are wearing anyway!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much Sally for your info. Will check jabs etc with Docs. Only 6 months to go!! I'm sure I will have more questions as time gets nearer so I'm glad we can chat and get valuable advice.
