  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there, is anyone going on the short walking holiday in the Ahr Valley on the 11th. May 2012? Would like to hear from anyone who is.
Hi Brenliz

I'm going on this holiday to the Ahr Valley on 11th May, travelling from Manchester. It wil be my fifth holiday in three years with Just You following on from Tuscany, Lake Garda, Sorrento and Prague. I'm really looking forward to it.


Hi Brenliz,

I have done the Walking in the Ahr Valley trip twice and I am sure you will enjoy it as it is not too difficult for people like me - an ambler, not a rambler.

The weather should be good in May so you should have a good time. I hope this is the first of many enjoyable holidays with Just You. If you have any questions on this holiday, JustAndy103 has done it 6 times so he is the 'expert' and I am sure will give you any advice you may need.

I see James is a man after my own heart - I did Sorrento (September) and Prague (Xmas) last year, so we can't both be wrong!

Have a great time

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel: