paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm Paul (55) and the Pyramids & Nile Cruise trip on 29th May will be my first 'Just You' holiday. Would love to hear from either any fellow travellers booked for this trip, or from anyone else who has already done it and who may have advice or travelling tips to give.
I went on this trip in September last year. It is very interesting but you may find information overload on some of the sites you visit. Also it is very hot so hat and loose clothing are to be recommended. The cruising down the Nile was superb but don't fall for the light shows, a waste of time and money. Just You take your safety very seriously so the guy with the gun on your coach is their for your protection. You will be harassed by hawkers everywhere so go with it and say no with a smile. All in all an exciting trip and you will meet some great characters.

PS You have to dress up in a djellaba on the cruise so prepare to spend in the ships shop!!

paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Maggie-B,

All very useful information. Bit too late re: the sound & light show though, as I've already forked out the £26.00 on booking, but there you go! Interesting comment you make in respect of wearing a djellaba on the ship. Try anything once though, so in for a penny!

Cheers, Paul

  • (Member)
Hi Paul

You'll have a great time in Egypt. I went in November. Despite the political troubles there, we weren't affected - other than the fact there weren't nearly as many tourists around as usual, so our group had the Nile cruise boat almost to ourselves, and we were able to enjoy the Egyptian Museum in Cairo without having to push through crowds to see the exhibits.

The staff on our boat were really friendly and helpful, and it was great sailing down the Nile, relaxing in the heat on the top deck watching the fantastic scenery pass quietly by.

The locals will pester you at all the sites, trying to sell you things. Take a tip - DON'T speak to them, not even to politely decline their offer. The second they know they have your attention, they will keep plugging away at you, and they don't take no for an answer. They're not aggressive, but they are extremely persistent. Although it felt very rude, I found it best to completely ignore them - walk past without speaking or making eye contact. Worked okay.

Your guide will give you advice should you be interested in buying whatever they happen to be selling. As they will quote an inflated price, your guide will also let you know what you should expect to pay, so you can haggle.

Traffic in Cairo is an experience - because of congestion it can sometimes take ages to get from A to B, but the sights you'll see through the windows of the coach mean the time passes quickly. The coach is of course air conditioned.

There's an early start most mornings (6am or 7am rise), the first couple of days seemed non-stop but once we joined the boat it was a more relaxing pace.

And yes, there's always an Egyptian party night on the cruise boat. Everyone joins in, and it's great fun.

I wrote a review of the holiday just after my return, you may be able to find it in the Testimonials section of this forum. It should give you a few further pointers as to what to expect.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi paul, yes I am booked to go 29th May really looking forward to it, this will be my second just you trip, went to china last year and it was fantastic, the trip was busy, on the go all the time but was amazing would recommend to anyone. I am booking light show and balloon ride, not sure about others yet didnt no about dressing up evening etc news to me so have to wait and see, look forward to meeting you, keep in touch, luv sue
paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue, Great to hear from someone else who will be on the same trip. I'm really looking forward to it, first time or not! I'm currently only booked for the sound & light show, as far as the optional trips are concerned, but may consider others if they're still available when we go. Looking forward to meeting you at Heathrow on 29th May, together with our Tour Manager, Suzanne Brown. Have you got far to travel to get to Heathrow? I'll be travelling down by train from Worcestershire. As you say, keep in touch. Paul.
  • (Member)
'paul wrote:

Hi Sue, Great to hear from someone else who will be on the same trip. I'm really looking forward to it, first time or not! I'm currently only booked for the sound & light show, as far as the optional trips are concerned, but may consider others if they're still available when we go. Looking forward to meeting you at Heathrow on 29th May, together with our Tour Manager, Suzanne Brown. Have you got far to travel to get to Heathrow? I'll be travelling down by train from Worcestershire. As you say, keep in touch. Paul.

Hi Paul,

I will be travelling from northampton, didnt know who the tour manager was so thanks for that, Just sent visa bits off so feels its getting closer, still got to sort jabs etc. Hopefully others will get in touch the nearer it gets, Do you know how many are travelling Sue

paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue,

Apologies for the delay in reply, but my father was rushed to hospital over the weekend. When I first booked there were 16 booked onto the trip with equal male to female numbers I believe. There may of course be more by now. I had my jabs last Friday incidently, so all set now really and looking forward to a new adventure with Just You. Never experienced a holiday on my own before, but having recently found myself single again, as it where, I was determined not to miss out on a summer holiday. Do please keep in touch and, as you say, let's hope one or two others get in touch. Paul.

  • (Member)
Hi Paul,

Sorry to hear about your father, I hope things are ok, It was my first holiday alone last year but I have always wanted to see china, everyone was very friendly and the tour manager was great, she really knew her stuff, we had 39 on the last trip.

I am sure we will have a fab time, its what you make it, I decided life is to short so live for today and do what you want now, if I wait till I retire I will never get there.

When you get to the airport and done baggage the vip lounge is all free and you start meeting others on your trip,

take care and chat again soon Sue

paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for your lastest response and kind concern for my father, whom I'm pleased to say, whilst still in hospital, is improving. Your comment re: your first 'Just You' trip to China last year is certainly relevant to me, as Egypt and the Nile is one place in the world for me that I have always wanted visit. 'Live for today', your quite right of course and as the trip gets closer, the more I'm looking forward to it. Thanks by the way for the information about our use of the lounge after check in at Heathrow, sounds ideal. As ever Sue, keep in touch, Paul.

  • (Member)
Hi Paul, Hope you are ok and all is well with your famnily now, 5 weeks to go really starting to look forward to it now, we dont seem to have picked up any other travellers yet, I have booked an hotel the night before to leave my car and be at heathrow nice and early, hate being late, I have booked the light trip and hope to book the balloon trip too, see you there sue 55
  • (Member)
Hello Sue and Paul

I too have been thinking of a Nile cruise for some time so I would be interested to read your comments once you are back. I am not a very good sea traveller, but think I should be okay on a river cruise. I have seen the pyramids and the Sphinx as did a mini cruise from Cyprus years ago. The museum was very crowded and we were rushed through - there is so much to see, but we did not have time to spend too long in the museum. I love sightseeing and know there is so much to see in Egypt. Enjoy yourselves.



  • (Member)
Hi Paul, well just received my tickets only two weeks to go, feeling very real now and really looking forward to it plus it will be hot and not raining. See you have not heard from one else, never mind I will see you there sue 55
  • (Member)
'paul wrote:


Thanks for your lastest response and kind concern for my father, whom I'm pleased to say, whilst still in hospital, is improving. Your comment re: your first 'Just You' trip to China last year is certainly relevant to me, as Egypt and the Nile is one place in the world for me that I have always wanted visit. 'Live for today', your quite right of course and as the trip gets closer, the more I'm looking forward to it. Thanks by the way for the information about our use of the lounge after check in at Heathrow, sounds ideal. As ever Sue, keep in touch, Paul.

Hi Paul just got my tickets and only two weeks to go, really looking forward to it, starting to think about what to take. the weather is hot, so sun cream a must. hope all is going well for you and i will see you at Heathrow ready for our great adventure take care sue

paul hughes
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue,

It's been a little while, my apologies, but like you i am keenly awaiting our departure on 29th May with less than 2 weeks to go now. I shall be travelling down on the Tuesday morning with the aim of checking in for 12 noon, so look forward to meeting up with you in the lounge shortly afterwards. Exciting eh! Paul.

  • (Member)

First timer here as well, only a couple of days to go now. Nerves & excitement building at same rate. 🙂