Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)
To all users of the Community

I am away from next Thursday 25th Nov until 2 days before Xmas and I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

Try to keep all those New Year Resolutions!!

Peter :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • (Member)

Thank you and lets hope you have a good Christmas and New Year...

As for new Year Resolutuions, can't be bothered as I never can stick to them ....

Other than book more holiday's...xx


  • (Member)
Peter and Cindy

Wishing you both and all the users a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. I agree with Cindy about New Year's resolutions!


Hi Peter,

Thanks, and a Merry Christmas to you too! Sorry I'll be missing you by one week next September (China) - you could have let me know (as a fellow septuagenarian) what to expect!!

All the best,
