  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just daring myself to book my first solo holiday !!!! any tips or comments good or bad to help me decide would be gratefully received.

Thanks :blush:

  • (Member)

All good just go for it...I have done 7 JY with my 8th booked for NZ 2012. I hope you find a tour you fancy, and book it and enjoy the trip. Moe ladies than Men on a tour. age range 55-70 with younger and older either side, lots to see and do in a very safe feel. Nice people to meet along the way. So what could be better. Any questions just ask away I am sure some one will have the answer. Where do you fancy as a destination?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thought i might start pretty low key but fancy long haul to somewhere exciting! just need to take the plunge i suppose but finding it all a bit scarey !!!!! but i do love travelling so much so will have to take the bull by the horns and hope for the best !
Hi Carol

I'm new to all this too. Never been away on my own and I've booked my first trip for next year. I've never done long haul before but the Route 66 tour I'm booked on was too good to resist. From what I've read in this community everyone is nervous but after the first day on holiday everybody becomes friends so nothing to worry about really. Just pick a holiday that you fancy and go for it.. That's what I and so many other have done.


Hi Carol,

Welcome to us on the Community site.

I understand how you feel - been there, done that - but really, you will be fine. You will be well looked after wherever you go - your tour manager will make sure of that. You will make lots of new friends and wonder why you ever worried. And don't forget - you will not be on you own.

So pick somewhere you have always wanted to go - and go. A new world will open up to you - so enjoy it. It really is much easier than you imagine. But be warned - all this travelling lark is very addictive......

Paul has said he is doing Route 66 - so am I - but he goes in May and I have to wait until September so he will be able to tell me all about his first trip when he gets back.

Look forward to your first holiday (let us know where you pick) & I hope it is the first of many happy holidays for you. I won't wish you Good Luck - you don't need it - just enjoy!!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the reply guess everyone feels the same the first time around did you try a weekend first ? or did you just 'go for it' ! unsure which way to play it !!!
  • (Member)

No I did not go on a discovery weekend I just went for it, my 1st tour was Boston New England and New York..the discovery weekends were not around when I started to use JY 5 years ago, but even so I would of just put the money towards a main tour. YOU will be fine I am sure.


'carols' wrote:

Thanks for the reply guess everyone feels the same the first time around did you try a weekend first ? or did you just 'go for it' ! unsure which way to play it !!!

Hi again Carol,

No I did not do a Discovery Weekend (although I know they are a good way of taking that first step) - I went away for Xmas (2007) on the Austrian Delights. So I suppose that I did just 'go for it' but you have to do what is right for you and what you feel comfortable with. You could always progress to something more 'adventurous' when you are ready.

I have to admit I was apprehensive on my first trip (that is natural) but I soon forgot all that and haven't looked back since. How brave do I have to be to get on a coach or a plane for the first time? - what waits at the other end more than makes up for that.

You know there are some really wonderful places out there just waiting for you to see - I have really got the bug now - but you take your time until it feels 'right'.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Paul has said he is doing Route 66 - so am I - but he goes in May and I have to wait until September so he will be able to tell me all about his first trip when he gets back.

Hi Lesley

Sadly I'm not going on route 66 till October so you will have to tell me all about it. I'm really looking forward to it as everyone is. It will be my first long haul holiday as well as my first alone and the excitement is at present more than the nervousness.

I think the best thing for you Carol is pick a holiday you would like to do. Forget about being on your own because everyone is and book it. That's what I did. There are loads of posts in this forum about everyone being nervous and things like that and so far I've ever seen a singe post saying they didn't enjoy themselves. I have read loads and loads of the posts in the forum which helped me decide to book a holiday with this company. If you are not sure Carol read some of the testimonials and you will see that everyone has a great time.

Hope this helps


Totally agree with Cindy, put your money towards the main holiday, decide on somewhere you have always wanted to see and just go for it !


Bridget Jane
Hi Carol,

I went on my first JY holiday last march to Kenya. FANTASTIC!!!!! I was really nervous at first (It took 2 years to pluck up the courage) but wow I am so glad I did. The support was wonderful. I never felt lost or alone at any time and met lots of like minded people from all walks of life. I have just booked to go to Peru with the Amazon add on next march. I am so excited!! I can't really believe what I am going to be doing. Really just go for it. You won't look back. Life is too short to sit on the side lines and there is a wonderful world out there just waiting to be discovered.

Best wishes,



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the encouragement everybody feel better about booking now . seems everyone has had a brilliant time wherever they ve been which is heartening. Going to have a look and book something for next year ! Thanks again x