(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello there!

Myself and my Mum are going on the Tuscany trip 1st September 2011.

It will be our first trip with 'Just You' and we're very much looking forward to it.

Is anyone else going?

If so, what are the age ranges on this trip like?

I am 20 and my Mum is in her 50s. Would be lovely to see people more my age.

We are also planning to visit the Uffizi Gallery at some point during this trip too. Any tips/thoughts on that?



Hello there

It is a Wonderful Trip but I think you are 20 bit too young for JY !!

However, I am sure you will still enjoy it whatever the ages !!

I went in June and it was very hot and humid but normally I would say ages vary from about 50 to 80 !!! There are a few in the 40's sometimes that come along. !!!One thing for sure you will enjoy it and meet some nice people along the way.

The Region and content of the Trip are well worth it.

Regards Rosemary

  • (Member)
Hello Sara...

You and your Mum will have a good time on this trip I did this trip in May this year. Can I just offer a word of waring about the gallery, no one on our tour managed to get tickets to visit this, also one guy had done the tour twice and still didnt get into the gallery, so I don't know if you can book online???? I think I vagually remember someone saying the tickets are only available 24 Hours???? (don't take that as fact) in advance. So I don't know if the office or the rep can help you with this. I hope someone posts on here to you if they managed to get in.

Unfortunatley the tour I was on no one did. Plenty of other sights to see.Lovely ICECREAM !!!!


Hi Sara

I have not done this trip, But it is on my list of places to go, With regards to you being too young, I certainly dont think you are too young. However in all my 13 trips i have done 28 has been the youngest on any off them. But do expect a little gap between yourself and the next youngest. I have even been the youngest in the past and I was in my late 40s then lol. Irrspective of age, It will not dilute your enjoyment and you will find it a great holiday and experience.

Have a good trip
