(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi this is my first trip with Just You and Im excited and nervous is any one else going, also I am coming down from Scotland 🙂
Peter Jersey
Hello Jane

Like you I am dipping my toes into the water for the first time with JY. I am going to Leeds on a Discovery Weekend but not until 5th August. Can you tell me what your check in time at the hotel is please and also let me know how you get on please.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Peter

I will let you know how it all went, I am arriving around 3pm and I have been assured that I should be able to go into my room at that time but Im not leaving till later on the Sunday but Im sure that they said the meeting would finish around noon but Im hoping to stay and chat to the members for a while. Wish me luck ha ha :thumbup:

'Peter wrote:

Hello Jane

Like you I am dipping my toes into the water for the first time with JY. I am going to Leeds on a Discovery Weekend but not until 5th August. Can you tell me what your check in time at the hotel is please and also let me know how you get on please.

Peter Jersey
Hi Jane

You will not need any luck. You will have a great week-end. Hope you have brilliant weather.


'jane-forrester' wrote:

Hi this is my first trip with Just You and Im excited and nervous is any one else going, also I am coming down from Scotland :)

Hi I tried to get on this weekend but it was fully booked as was the next date for Leeds. So I have booked Bruges in August. I am from Alnwick in Northumberland and this will be my first holiday alone since being widowed although very well travelled in the past, but never on my own so would be pleased to hear how it goes for you.

'jane-forrester' wrote:

Hi this is my first trip with Just You and Im excited and nervous is any one else going, also I am coming down from Scotland :)