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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Anyone booked on the Norway trip or been before?


Yes I have been before and it's wonderful !!! Doesnt do your hair style any good !! but the scenery and content of the trip is beautiful you will enjoy have fun Regards Rosemary
I have booked on this trip for July - really looking forward it but still a long time to wait! The scenery should be wonderful.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Rosemary. I had better take my hat then!


I went to Norway with Just You in June 2007 and had a wonderful time,the weather was lovely,we wore t-shirts all week.The food was amazing and of course the scenery was second to none. Have a lovely holiday!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Loopylou. Reassuring that I will need t-shirts and a hat!!!!


Sylvia it was'nt the wind in your hair it was the water !!! everything flopped and I lost the shine on my hair Regards Rosemary

At least u are getting prepared with all your bits, I think is was 2008 I went ??

Richard 69
Hi Sylvia,

i am also travelling on 16th June to Norway. It's my 2nd just you tour after Annecy in France last year which i enjoyed very much. Will be travelling down from Manchester the day before. I believe that there should be about 28 of us. Also been to USA and Italy on my travels.

Look forward to meeting you,


PS Does anyone reading this have any airport hotels they reccomend staying in?

Richard 69
Hi Sylvia,

i am also travelling on 16th June to Norway. It's my 2nd just you tour after Annecy in France last year which i enjoyed very much. Will be travelling down from Manchester the day before. I believe that there should be about 28 of us.

Look forward to meeting you,


Richard 69
Hi Sylvia,

i am also travelling on 16th June to Norway. It's my 2nd just you tour after Annecy in France last year which i enjoyed very much. Will be travelling down from Manchester the day before.

Look forward to meeting you,


  • (Member)

Just come across this posting, My Mother In Law has left today on this tour, she is doing all the extra excusions, so if you want I can pick her brain??|!!! when she gets back ..if theres any questions you can think of let me know ..


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Richard

Thanks for your message. I booked this trip last year taking advantage of a free vip lounge access so that's where I'll be once I've done my duty free shopping!

As for hotels there are so many around Heathrow I would just enquire of Mr Google and pick one that suits your pocket.

See you on 16 June.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

Yes please do pick m-in-l's brains. Particularly interested in how much spending money to take, the weather, views of the excursions and of course hotel and food. Been to Iceland twice so sort of know what to expect.


PS. Enjoy your trip to Tuscany.

  • (Member)

OK, will do but she comes home the day I go so wont catch up with her till 26th May.. I know she has taken a fair amount of spending money as she has heard its dear out there, but I will see how the pennies and the holiday was from her and report back to you ..


  • (Member)

Report back from Mother In law

Was expensive £8.00 for a small glass of wine.

She went on all the tours and said they were very nice, but some were long couch drives to get to where your going.

Weather when she went ws NOT good, rain and snow on some of the journeys up higher, also the MIST comes down and can obscure the veiws etc.

Nice group of people.

Hotels good the one in Bllastrade?? 2nd hotel was nice but there was not to much around, I think there was 1 day off and she tried to go for a good walk but not much around.

She had a very nice holiday overall, OK


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:


Report back from Mother In law

Was expensive £8.00 for a small glass of wine.

She went on all the tours and said they were very nice, but some were long couch drives to get to where your going.

Weather when she went ws NOT good, rain and snow on some of the journeys up higher, also the MIST comes down and can obscure the veiws etc.

Nice group of people.

Hotels good the one in Bllastrade?? 2nd hotel was nice but there was not to much around, I think there was 1 day off and she tried to go for a good walk but not much around.

She had a very nice holiday overall, OK



Thanks for feedback. I've read somewhere that wine in the duty free shop should be purchased! I shall be visiting Norway with an open mind and a bank loan(?!) and cross everything that the weather will be kind.



  • (Member)

We have no control on the weather!!!! do we, and sometimes I can only just control my bank !!!!! so good LUCK,

I hope the weather is kind to you and you have a sympathetic Bank Manager for when you over spend..Xx
