Ali Kolarova
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone!

I'm brand new to this having recently been widowed. I think I'd like a taster break, probably just a few days or a weekend. I'd like something quite active so I don't feel like Billy No Mates and something fun, I'm only 48 and like to try new things. Any recommendations?

Look forward to hearing from you!

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Ali,

One thing for sure you wont be a "Billy no mates", remember everyone is single for various reasons on a JY holiday and have one thing in common. They all want a good holiday and in my experience all mix really well.

I took the plunge 1 year after losing my partner and went to Americas Golden west in June last year, enjoyed it that much did Treasures of Andalucia in November. Already booked two trips this year in April and June.


'Ali wrote:

Hi everyone!

I'm brand new to this having recently been widowed. I think I'd like a taster break, probably just a few days or a weekend. I'd like something quite active so I don't feel like Billy No Mates and something fun, I'm only 48 and like to try new things. Any recommendations?

Look forward to hearing from you!

:)Hi Ali, I lost my Husband 18months ago at the age of 58, booked a trip with just you to China, so glad that I did had fantastic time. Ia m off to Italy with them in April and Costa Rica in Aug. Go for it I am sure you won't be disappointed as everyone is on their own for some reason, hope you ind a holiday to suit you. Best Wishes

Hi Ali,

Welcome to the forum. A lot of people go on a Discovery Weekend to get an idea of what Just You is like, but if you're looking for a more active break may I suggest Walking in the Ahr Valley. It's a long weekend in Germany that's reasonably priced. I did a similar trip to this with JY in '09 and really enjoyed it and have booked the Ahr Valley for later this year.

Hope that is of some help :)


Bridget Jane
Hi Ali,

I am 52 years old and was widowed three and a half years ago when I was 49. It took me two and a half years trying to get up the courage to book with JY. I was going to try a short break first but then thought 'in for a penny in for a pound, I'll just go for it' and booked for 'The magic of Kenya' march 2nd (two and a half weeks time). I am really excited and wish I'd taken the plunge much earlier. All I can say is GO FOR IT! Life is to short to hesitate.

the best of luck,


Bridget Jane
Hi Ali, I am 52 and was widdowed at 49. It has taken untill now to pluck up the courage to book with JY and am going to Kenya in just over two weeks time on my first solo trip. Don't be afraid, just go for it. Life is to short to hesitate. I only wish I hadn't waited so long to take my first plunge.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hello Ali and welcome

I have done 6 JY tours and have Tuscany booked I am 52.


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