Vee Lenihan
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have just taken the big step of booking my first solo holiday. Is there anyone else out there going on the same trip or who has been before. Looking forward to it very much but the idea is still a little scary! Would be great to hear from anyone.

Mrs N
  • (Member)
Hi Veronica

I have booked Cyprus - leaving 22nd October

is this the same date as you?

This will be my second holiday with Just You

thoroughly enjoyed my first. Whole group were

really friendly and I made some great friends.


Heather Green
Hi Maria, I am on the same holiday, leaving on 22nd October - really looking forward to it - less than 2 weeks now - look forward to meeting you.


Mrs N
  • (Member)
Hi Heather

Have you booked the pre-holiday get together in

Heathrow. If so I will meet up with you there - let

me know.


p.s. Veronica are you on the Cyprus holiday the same date as we are?