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Anyone going on this trip, or is there anyone who has been in the past. I am thinking of booking for this holiday.
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I have now booked for Krakow and the Mountains leaving on the 9th April 2007, Any one else out there going?????
Hi Cindy. I'm sure you'll have a brilliant time.
Hi Cindy. I'm sure you'll have a brilliant time. Krakow is a compact beautiful city easily explored on foot with loads of history. There's a Catherdral, Castle, river & even a fire-breathing dragon! If you like shopping then head for the market square where there are lots of interesting shops - don't miss the Wawel Chocolate shop & Calik which sells locally made Christmas baubles and nearby there's a chocolate covered gingerbread shop. In the square the Cloth Hall has numerous stalls selling good quality wooden goods & if you like jewellery then Poland is famous for it's silver & amber. I recommend Wielicka salt mine it's amazing with statues & even a chapel carved out of salt. Auschwitz, of course, speaks for itself. Zakopane is lovely - from the town take the funicular up to the Gubalowka ridge. Not sure about April but in March there's still snow up there so maybe a sleigh ride??? Hope this helps. Barbara
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Hi Barbara

Thank you for the information, much appriciated, sounds like I will have a lot to do, I went to USA last Sept and I am booked for Australia in June, there are so many great looking holidays to choose from, have you booked anywhere for 2007 with JFY.

Cindy, what a busy time you'll have this summer with Poland & then Australia! Last year I did the Canadian Rockies which was excellent, but sadly no bears! This year Ive booked the W Coast of USA tour in May. I'm looking forward to seeing the major cities of California & the drive down the coast - including Santa Barbara !!!!!

Na zdrowie! (cheers), Barbara.

Cindy, how was your trip to Poland? Was the Krakow dragon roaring???!!!

It's over 3 years since I went to Krakow so am now considering the July tour. In addition to the Morskie Oko excursion were there any other 'optionals' on offer e.g. raft ride down the Dunajec river?

Any comments you have about the holiday would be appreciated including location of hotels to the town centres etc etc.


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Hi Barbara.

This trip is now 7th May so Have about 10 day's to go, The Australia trip was cancelled so have re booked for USA in Nov, Nashville etc. Am doing Australia independantly.

So very busy year for me...

I hope you have a great time on your W Coast trip.

One holiday moved & the other're not having much luck!

The weather, at least, should be better in May. Let me know how you get on.


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Just came home from trip yesterday, it was fantastic, Krakow, Salt Mines I did not like just not my thing, Auschwitz..Birkenau which was why I booked this trip, just took my breath away. Town Square and shops where good,saw Many Churches which I enjoyed. very pretty Mountains very good, Lake trip was nice but no rafting, plenty of walking,all in all well worth the money and a great choice of holiday, weather much better than at home,which was a bonus. and not forgetting the really nice people in our group of 28, special mention for Rosemary, Sharon, Kathleen,Jean, and Ilene (or Irene) Irish lady I went to Church with.

Such a strange mix in all from the Bleak to absolute beauty I am so very glad I booked this trip.

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Just re read your message.

We went to a TYPICAL!!!!! Polish folk night, which sounded strange but was such a LAUGH, and so nice to see the polish people laughing and in their own comfort zone...LOTS of Polish Vodka was consumed...

Went up on a Fenicular?????? takes you up the mountain like a rail carraige, scenic veiw from here was breath taking as well, went on ski lift not scary took 6 people a time, down and back up the mountain, and took part in Roman Catholic Church service at the top of the mountain 10.30 Sunday Service.

I am a vegetarian and my food needs were catered for, our Rep Ian was so good trying to SORTthis out and managed it most of the time. If not it was not his fault...There is a Kettle etc in room.

Holiday Inn very happy with, clean tidy etc....We were changed from the advertised hotel for Zakopane before we left to the SABALA????? so very pretty and right on the main street so VERY good for the shops and market stalls, food again very good for every one, Rooms do vary quite a bit, I was allocated room in Annex part, which was very nice, but very warm in this hotel, and NO KETTLE Etc, which would of been nice.

I went on all the trips advertised and optional, and the tour rep Ian added a few bit of his own which was really appreciated like the fenicular???mountain part,and getting me a CHURCH service.... He was a very good Rep. for this Tour, as has personal knowlege about Poland etc..

Hello Cindy,

I'm glad you made it home okay. Yes, the Poland trip was great wasn't it? I enjoyed the culture of Krakow, the fantastic scenery of the Tatra mountains and the fun we had at the folk evening (and just about everywhen else!) I'm saving to go to Russia now - in about eighteen months. Thanks to you, Kathleen, Eileen, Steve, Jean and Rosemary for making the holiday such a success. If anyone's ever coming to Weymouth get in touch and I'll give you a guided tour!

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Hi Sharon,

Nice to see your comments, good LUCK with your planned trip to Russia I am sure it will be a great time for you, never know I might catch up with you again one Day, hope your house and the kid's survived you going away, you take care Love Cindy x

Cindy, thanks for your comprehensive comments. Glad to hear the trip went so well and with your mountain church service. You didn't say but was the Krakow dragon breathing fire????

I was wondering about the trips, particularly in Zakopane as there are 4 nights but only one optional trip (to the lakes) mentioned in the brochure. Other than the traditional evening & funicular ride what else did you do?

Well, I've just returned from the America's Golden West trip which was great altho probably a little warmer than Poland as in Palm Springs/Las Vegas it was pushing 100F, phew! Barbara.