  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to Jean

Hope you got home OK. All was well when I got back here. It was a lot of fun.

Please keep in touch


Jean Gregory
Well Sue

I have just taken on another cat from Cat Protection - Archie,all of 10 months. Gorgeous and a little swine !!! Having fun!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Another cat means another one for someone else to care for when you're on holiday. I'm looking forward to my next one - holiday that is!!!!

Take care


Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

Yes another cay for someone to look after,what was I thinking about. Like you looking forward to the next holiday, will pursue Russia and let you know.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

I've booked to go to New England and New York in May for 9 days Boston, New Hampshire, New York, great can't wait - ditch Russia and come to the old US of A instead. Hope the cats are still fine - me and Poppy (that's my cat) send our love


Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

When are you going ? cos I'm just about to sort out my hols with my new working colleague and I know she has some dates booked soooo fingers crossed.

Love to Poppy from Archie, Olly and Monty

Will get back to you soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

I'm going on the 12th May for 9 days - take a look at the New England and New York holiday on line.

Speak soon


  • (Member)
Hi Jean

Cindy here from the Poland trip!!!!!

I went on the Bos, New England and New York trip 18 months ago had a great time, I am booked on the Memphis and Nashville trip in March. Might meet you again one day ..

Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

So sorry no can do that date. Apparently I have an accrued amount of holiday as part of my new job and it must be taken before April 1st so going away so soon after this would not really be possible as thet will have to get cover from the wider admin team.

Was going to Tuscany on 24th May but had already cancelled that

Well no harm in trying, but really, really hope you enjoy this trip. I look forwrd to hearing form you when you get back.

I have ditched the idea of Russia for now, but cos I can't go to the US of A have booked up for September 19th to do the Sun and Sahara trip.

Well love to you and Poppy from me and the boys

Keep in touch,Jean

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Ah well that's a shame - perhaps we will meet up later in the year somewhere or Christmas like before. I wanted to take my trip in September, but got pipped to the post at work. Keep in touch - take care


Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

Well I'm definitely going away at christmas again somewhere with JY. I really, really enjoyed myself.We need to see what they are doing.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

Went to pay my balance for the America trip today and was told the May trip had been cancelled due to lack of interest. I therefore thought s+d it and when they told me I would get a 5% discount because of inconvenience I asked them what the September availability was like, they said it was quite full but I managed to get on the list. So instead of going in May I am now going in September. I think it starts on the 15th if you're interested.

Where are u going Xmas?



Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

Oh Well at least able to go in September.Alas without me as I am now booked with JY in September to go to the Sahara.

But let's do something again at Christmas (was great in Prague)I wonder when the brochure comes out ? I don't mind where as long as I get away. What do you think?

Your bah humbug friend


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

Ok why not aslong as it's somewhere different to Prague, maybe we can go to Russia for Xmas. Anyway like u say wait and see when the brochure comes out.

Hope that cats are OK.

Sahara eh? Different definitely different!!!

Take care


Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

Yeh, definitely somewhere else from Prague, let's wait for the brochure.

I guess the Sahara is very different...... but what an experience - or not! - but I'm up for it.

The cats are great.

Love to you and Polly


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

Enjoy your trip - I'm sure you'll have a great time


Sue and Poppy

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

Xmas brochure arrived today. Do you still want to meet up then? If so I'll leave it to you to choose, but nothing too expensive I hav the States in September and a cruise the following April.

Take care look forward to hearing from y ou.


Jean Gregory
Hi Sue

Just recieved the xmas brochure, anything you fancy?

Love to you and Poppy


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jean

Yes I left u a message about it. Obviously didn't come out. I don't mind as long as its not too expensive I've two trips coming up. So you choose

Hope all your pussies are well. Poppy is sunbathing at the moment by the dustbins. Lovely. At least she knows her place!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi again Jean

I did leave u a message its just below the one you left me about the Xmas brochures. Anyway I don't mind. Do you fancy Italy???
