  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi !

Just booked a week in Sardinia at the Hotel Calabona.

How about getting in touch if you are going ?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hi maggi

am thinking about booking Sardinia holiday but have never been on a sigle holiday before and am feeling a bit nervous about it.

Have you been before?



I tried to book on this for Sept and was told that was the last place but had to pay a £250 flight surcharge and found out the flight left at 6am from Gatwick. Both those things put me off so I didn't bother. Most of the European holidays this year seem to be fully booked. So much for the recession! Must book early for next year.

I did go to Tuscany with JY in June which was my first solo trip and had a great time. Every one was very friendly.


Am waiting to hear if I can book the holiday. They have four spaces left at hotel but their allocated spaces on flight are booked. They have to request an additional space and I should know within 24 hours so will let you know.

Are you flying from Gatwick?


I have decided to pay the extra for flight as I really want to get away this year. Have been looking at site for over a year now but couldn't pluck up courage to book. Felt if I didn't do it this year it might just never happen.

JY just confirmed all is booked so am looking forward to September.

Anyone else going?


  • (Member)

I'm also going to Sardinia in September - my second JY holiday after a great trip to South Africa last year.

Was rather shocked by the 6.00am flight so have decided to stay over night at Gatwick on the Friday night.

Look forward to meeting you all on 12th,


Hi Sue

So pleased to hear someone else is staying at Gatwick the night before. I am too, and as I said I am a first timer. Although I am nervous, I am looking forward to a week away.

Look forward to meeting you on 11th.


Hi again Sue

Just received letter to say the pretour get together at Gatwick is not takig place. You did say you were going to Gatwick the night before (I assume you were going to attend the pre tour thing. I have been booked into the Crowne Plaza and wondered, if you are staying there too, if you wanted to meet up for dinner.

Look forward to hearing from you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi ! good to see l'm not the only one going to Sardinia on 12/9!

I am really looking forward to it all, except the red eye flight!

I am starting to think that an overnight stay before the flight might be a better idea.

Am open to all ideas - get in touch! X

Maggi, I originally booked for the pre flight get together for this holiday but they did not have enough people interested. I am booked in for an overnight stay as I just don't think I could make that early flight oherwise. I was originally told that I was booked into the Crown Plaza but recently had a letter to say I was booked into the Comfort Inn. I am going to phone JY tomorrow to check exactly where I am staying. Do you have far to travel to the airport?



Just checked with JY and I am staying at the Crown Plaza the night before. If you decide to do the overnight stay, maybe we could meet up and have dinner together.

Gilly x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - i'll give it some thought, although l am only an hour away and my daughter has offered to drop me off.

I am so looking forward to this break, l could really do with it!!!

Let me know if you are on Facebook and then we could chat more easily. X

  • (Member)
Hi Gilly,

Sorry its taken me so long to reply 0 have kept forgetting to lookat board.

I am staying at the Crown Plaza, so would be great to meet up for dinner and travel into airport on Saturday morning.

Am flying down from manchester on Fri Pm so will be at the hotel around 6.00 - 6.30 - perhaps we can meet up in reception at some point.

Look forward to meeting you.
