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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi have just decided to take the plunge and book for my first just you holiday. Would love to hear from anyone else going on this tour
sheila in kent
Hi Musicman - I too have taken the plunge, my

first Just You holiday and the Highlights of

India in October, would be pleased to keep in


sheila in Kent 08.03.09

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

So pleased to hear from you Shiela!And lovely to meet you. Was begining to think I was the only person going!!!

Just for the record my name is Craig. Are you going to the pre flight get together?

sheila in kent
Hello Craig, I sent you a message this morning, but I pressed the wrong button and Ithink I lost it. I also thought that no one else was going on this holiday, but there is still quite a time to go. I am staying at the hotel in Heathrow the night before, because it can be difficult to get to the airport and I missed a flight on one occasion, something I do not want to repeat.

I am looking forward to the trip very much, it is something I have always wanted to do.

Keep in touch and tell a bit more about yourself. Best wishes Sheila

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Mmm yes this is a little bit difficult to use. If you want you can use my email which is ************. Like you India is one of those places on my 'must see' list which I have now decided i need to start whittling it down while im still able bodied enough to do it!


Editor's note: Sorry, I'm not allowed to publish personal information such as emails. But if you get in touch with me using the 'Ask Your Editor' option I will pass on Craig's address.Olly, your editor

sheila in kent
Craig - while we are waiting for Olly to send

an addess to you or me - I thought his message about Emails a bit ambiguous, tell me why your login name is MUSICMAN. I would really like to know. Best wishes, Sheila in Kent

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sheila!

Good to hear from you. Yes I was a bit confused about ollys message. Seems I broke the rules... Oh well never mind, moving swiftly on...I chose the nickname Musicman because I love music. Simple as that. I like all types of music from classic to heavy rock and every shade in between, and I'm a bit of a geek with music too I have this nack f retaining odd little facts about songs! So there you are, not that exciting I know. So over to you while we wait for olly (hopefully not too long) tell me alittle about yourself


sheila in kent
Hello Craig - I am still waiting to resolve the problem we are having with my Email addess. Olly is going to telephone me with your Email address, I have sent him my 'phone number, so now we wait for developments. I think there must be an error in my Email address, because no one else has a problem with with it. Make contact when you have time. Sheila in Kent.
sheila in kent
Musicman - You have not made contact since the 16th, are you fed up with the problems I have been having with Email addresses. I thought it better to tell you a little about me by Email rather than on 'open to everyone'. Briefly I am a widow, live very close to the sea, have lived in France for 11 years.. I love music, dancing, shopping, eating out and shoes. There that's all for now. Sheila in kent.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Shiela,

No of fourse not fed up! My parents celebrated thier golden wedding anniversary this last week so I was tied up with sorting out the arrangements and visiting them and thye dont have access to the interntet is all. Olly dis give me your address but when i checked this morning it had bounced back your mails as not accepting mail from my email. Hopefully a call from olly will be the perfect answer!
