  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Not sure how 'effective' this wall is as went on a discovery weekend 2 weeks ago, only 2 others had written on here .. no one else seemed to know about it. Anyway - was a very good weekend hence having booked a 'proper' holiday. Am really looking forwards to getting out and doing something active - will have to do a bit of 'training' prior as tend to be a bit of a couch potato. Don't know if maybe I'm posting this very early as is nearly a year before the event - but if anyone is considering going away for the first time - Do it - everyone on the discovery weekend was very friendly and the 'host' made sure no one was lonely ...


Hi Val,

Glad to hear you have booked your first 'proper' Just You holiday and what a good choice. I went on this trip last year and had a great time. I was not a walker but really enjoyed myself - and I met some smashing people who I am still in contact with. Also I am going to do this trip again next year with a group of friends who are keen to try it since I told them what a good time I had. So have a great time and enjoy yourself - go for it.

Be happy,

Best wishes,


Hi Val

I am pleased you have chosen "Walking The Ahr Valley", This is a great little trip for your first holiday experience with Just You, I can confirm that you will enjoy it immensley. It is set in a beautiful town in a great location, With fantastic views , As for the walking it is not overly difficult and you do not need to be a season hiker or walker to conquer this. Although a little training as you said will not do you any harm. The Red Wine Trail which is the longest of the routes, Is on relatively good tracks and some roads. Although there are a couple of small goat type tracks to endure. My advice however is to make sure you take some water proofs, And some walking trousers. As you could encounter a mixture of weather from very hot sun, To rain all on the same day. Some of the route is open as you walk through the vine yards.

Have a good trip


Hi Val,

Just to let you know that yesterday I booked for myself and 3 friends to go on the Walking In The Ahr Valley trip in May. As you know I have done this one before but they have not.

I am sure they will enjoy it - although none of us are serious walkers.

So we will let you know how we got on when we get back.

Be happy,


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley, I have booked to go on the walking in the Ahr Valley trip in May. Could you let me know what i need to take with me. Thank you Vanessa
Hi Vanessa,

Welcome. I look forward to meeting you. I am sure you will have a great time walking on this trip - nothing strenuous. Andy (JustAndy103) can advise you as to what to take for the walking part - he has done this trip 6 times so is something of an 'expert' on this particular trip. I have got walking boots and trousers plus waterproof jacket and over-trousers in case it rains.

However, we do like to dress up and party at night - so bring some 'glad rags' with you. My friends and I are not serious walkers but we do like to have a good time, so feel free to join us. See you at Dover.

Be happy,
