  • (Member)
Hi All

I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the airport and to the exciting adventure we are going to have. I have been with Just You before and they really look after you. I am waiting to see how much luggage I can take too!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I booked for the meal at the Comfort Inn at Heathrow the night before, so I will see some of you then for the welcome evening. It is my first Just You trip, so it's great to see everyone saying positive things about the previous trips. See you all at Heathrow if not before.
  • (Member)
Travel documents arrived this morning. 1 less thing to worry about.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
My flight details finally arrived!!!. My Esta Visa form is now completed, so I am all set now. See you all in the lounge. I am going for comfort on the plane, so jeans, t shirt and flip flops I am afraid. Going to do my Mum's trick of packing, by pulling everything I want to take and then halving it. I doubt I have her steadiness though. Bought the recommended torch, have the hiking boots ( just in case) , sensible shoes and something non casual for the last night. So that should be it, yes?. I need to double check the weight allowance on the baggage though, as wasn't listed on the forms I just received. Does anyone know?, if not will check with airline website
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Baggage Allowance

Baggage Allowance

The baggage allowance is the maximum number, size and weight of bags that each customer is allowed. We have based this allowance on many variables that influence the maximum capacity of baggage on an aircraft. These variables include size of aircraft cargo compartments, dimensions of the doors, fuel requirements, typical number of passengers on board, and government regulations. Baggage will be weighed and measured to ensure that it meets the dimensional requirements under the allowance.

As a result, Northwest has established a standard baggage allowance that applies to all flights.

Checked Baggage Weight and Measurement

Baggage is measured by adding length, width and height to determine the total number of linear inches/centimeters.

Northwest will accept baggage up to a maximum of 50 pounds (23 kg) and a total linear dimension of 62 inches (158 cm) per piece.

Additional charges apply for baggage weighing more than 50 pounds (23 kg) or with a total linear dimension of more than 62 inches (158 cm) per piece.

For domestic and trans-Pacific travel, the maximum weight accepted for any piece of checked baggage, including special baggage items, is 100 pounds. For trans-Atlantic travel, the maximum weight accepted for any piece of checked baggage is 70 pounds

  • (Member)
Hi All

just one or two bits of information which may help. Not all hotels have hairdryers. Excursions are paid in cash, credit cards are not accepted. the weight restriction on the flight is 20kg which for us ladies is not a lot for 16 days.


  • (Member)
Hi all

So much to do and so little time before we go!! Really excited now but still nervous. Messaging on here has been good and it will be good to put faces to names at the airport.

Just a small thing a friend has just come back from Yellowstone and said he has never been so cold at night so we may need to think about winter p.js!

See you Thursday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Janne,

I am sure you will love the holiday, as I will. On reading through the logs, everyone has praised the holiday itself and in particular the tour operators. Also the mix of people tends to be varied, so a good mix of personalities for everyone. I believe there are about 25 in our group last time I checked with customer services (a couple of days ago). I am set now and this will be my last message before I see you all at the get together at the comfort inn at Heathrow or in the lounge at the airport. I still think my bag is too heavy, even after doing the balancing act on the scales, as my kitchen floor tells me one weight and the hall another when I manhandle the bag onto them. So I have pitched it somewhere in-between and I will have to keep my fingers crossed. The joys of luggage. Looking forward to meeting you all. Best regards Harrison