I have not booked it yet, was thinking of changing to September as Ambersue had said to change it to the same as her, but, that date is booked up. So going to go back to plan A - the 20th October.
Just want to check on the duration of the flight and jabs etc.
If it is your first time, I can empathise with you as I was scared stiff on my first JY holiday, as this was my first time on holiday alone. I had flown alone before to a friend in Tenerife, so that bit was not a problem.
Everything was fine though, and people got on together. I have been on two YJ holidays now, so this will be my third. Still get the jitters though, suppose it's only natural.
Will let you know when I have booked. We can have a birthday drink in China . How good will that be. ? :-)