  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to all my travelling companions going to China in under a months time. There are 38 of us on this trip so it would be great to get in touch before we all meet up at Heathrow. This is my first time with Justyou - fed up being the only single guy on other tours. Reading all the other messages this seems a popular holiday and worth the long flight.

Dave R

  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

Good to hear from you again. Pam and I 'spoke' to you in the Tour Managers section a few months ago. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and we will all be meeting up four weeks today.

I am not looking forward to the long flight either but after reading lots of good reports I know it will be worth it and we will have a great holiday. I can't wait.

Hope more people get in touch. See you at Heathrow.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pam & Trish - that leaves another 35 others to respond to this message to get in touch before we all meet up. I will be travelling to Heathrow during the day so will see you ladies in the executive lounge a few hours before we fly. Don't forget to track the weather forecasts to see if you need to pack thermals or sun cream! Regards
  • (Member)
Hi Trish & Dave and everyone elso going on the 15th,

Well only two weeks to go! I'm like a pin cushions after all my jabs but I've been told I don't need Malaria tablets or Japanese encephalitis so two good things, lol.

I've heard that we can only take so many yuans is this right does anyone know?

I'm very excited but I do hope the 100km traffic jam in Beijing has gone and it's stopped raining and we all have a wonderful time!

I really should be more organised but hey ho I shall get there in the end.

Looking forward to seeing you all, Trish I'll give you a call soon

Pam xx

  • (Member)
Hi Trish & Dave and everyone elso going on the 15th,

Well only two weeks to go! I'm like a pin cushions after all my jabs but I've been told I don't need Malaria tablets or Japanese encephalitis so two good things, lol.

I've heard that we can only take so many yuans is this right does anyone know?

I'm very excited but I do hope the 100km traffic jam in Beijing has gone and it's stopped raining and we all have a wonderful time!

I really should be more organised but hey ho I shall get there in the end.

Looking forward to seeing you all, Trish I'll give you a call soon

Pam xx

  • (Member)
I was so excited I said it twice! Lol!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pam & others

Understand it is £400 equivalent in Yuan - should be enough for the tips. I will start checking the 10 day weather forecasts next week to see how much suntan lotion to take or if an umbrella would be a better option! Must sign off - need to order a chinese take away - getting in practice.

Best regards

  • (Member)
Hi Pam & Dave,

Only one week to go now. I am so excited, I can't wait.

See you soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to anyone reading in - wondering what to pack for China - from the 10 day weather forecasts an umbrella, raincoat and jumpers - and that's for Beijing not Heathrow!
  • (Member)
I've got my brolly, rain coat, galoshes do I need a dinghy?

I'm more concerned about whether I will have a passport and visa!!

  • (Member)
Passport and visa have just arrived - I know I'm really going now!!
  • (Member)

Only a few days to go. Do we really need an umbrella? I am sooooo excited.

See you at Heathrow.

  • (Member)
Hi Dave, Trish and Pam. Can't wait to meet you all.
  • (Member)
Hi Gaynor,

Welcome aboard. Dave is right, we might need our raincoats. Check out the seven day forecast on www.holiday-weather.com. It might help with the packing.

Glad your visa & passport have arrived Pam, will ring Tuesday p.m.

Looking forward to meeting up in a few short hours.


  • (Member)
Hi Gaynor,

Looking forward to meeting you too. I can't believe in 24hrs I'll be on my way to Heathrow. See you at check-in or the executive loungs I'll be the harassed looking one, lol.

Well that's four of us that have made contact what about the rest?

  • (Member)
See you all tomorrow. My stomach keeps flipping over. I'll bee glad when I'm on the coach to Heathrow.