  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi my names Sharon,

Im going to the Prague,Vienna and Budapest tour on Aprill 14th.

Would love to hear of any others out there thats going on this trip!


  • (Member)
Hello Sharon,

As nobody had replied to your message, I thought you might like a contact anyway.

I am not going on your trip but did so last year.

You are in for a wonderful visit albeit quite tiring with a lot of travelling.

I hope the weather will be as nice for you as it was for us - the trip was in May but temperatures on a couple of days were nearing 30. Only one patch of rain and that was one evening while we were indoors eating.

Do take advantage of all the trips that are on offer including the extras.

As one of the older generation, I found the visit to an evening concert (mostly music by Strauss) to be the highlight of the holiday. Maybe not your sort of music!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I will try and remember to come back to the site in a day or two and have a look.


Hi there,

I am booked to go on this trip also. It is my first time travelling alone and my first time with Just You. I am anxious and excited at the same time.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Phoenix27 and to Mikem for your replies!

Firstly Phoenix27,dont worry on doing your first trip-your soon feel at ease and have a great time.This is my 7th Just you trip-so feel free to ask any questions that are on your mind.

Im looking forward to meeting you very soon.

Mikem,Many thanks for your message-Im now looking forward to the trip even more-sounds wonderfull.

I do the extras as I dont like to think Ive not experianced the hoilday to the fullest.

I like the music evening,it sounds beautifull.

I like classical music,the only time I did an excurision I did not enjoy was the ballet in Russia a few years back.

Is there quite a few extras on this trip? would love to know more.

Thank you,


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon,

We had three extra trips which were not included in the original itinerary and for which we paid extra.

The first was the evening at the Strauss concert, held in a most opulent ballroom absolutely suiting the occasion. (No photos allowed while the concert in progress.)

The second was a river trip on the Danube, by night. The third was to a 'musical fountains' display. I can't remember exactly where that was but we sat in a mini-stadium and watched about a 30 minute display of water jets, dancing in time to Dvorak's music, while being illuminated, all the time, by changing colour lights under the water. Also there were pictures of dancers projected onto a water screen. The whole thing was fascinating.

I'm getting to the point that I wish I was coming again!

Do let me know how you get on.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike,

Thank you for your message and the detail you give.Those extras sound very beautifull and Im really looking forward to experiance all of them.

I love the sound of the ballroom,and the fountains would be great to see.

Im also very much excited on the river trip at night,all in all Im very excited and cannot wait to experiance this trip.

I hope you get to go again Mike-sounds Wonderfull.

I will certainly let you know how the trip went on here when I come back-so I post on this thread in Aprill after the 21st to tell you how it went.

Many thanks Mike.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike,

I dont know if you get to read this but Ive had a letter from JustYou today on an optional excursion to see the Carmen Opera in Prague.Did you have this on your tour too?

Im in two minds on this one-not really keen on opera.

Also how much was the excursions you went on? I worry them might be quite costly.

Many Thanks,


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon,

Sorry for delay in reply - only just seen your message. Had a busy weekend!!

No, we did not get the option of the opera in Prague. Although I do prefer classical to pop music, I am not really into Grand Opera (more the 'musicals' and light operetta). However, Carmen is not at all 'heavy' stuff and you would probably enjoy it. The disadvantage might be that it will probably not be sung in English and you would need an idea of the story before you went. I think I would take the opportunity to see it even so.

Costs varied for our outings but I seem to remember a figure of about 40 euros for the concert and 30 or so for the river trips. Don't quote me on that. I can't find any paperwork from last year to check.

I have got lots of photos though!

I don't know whether there is any way of uploading a few via this site - perhaps you can advise me. Or suggest some other way in which I can let you see some of the sights.

Anyway, enjoy yourself, and make sure you get to see the Hunderdwasser house in Vienna. Perhaps read about that before you go as well.

Keep in touch.

Mike x

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike,

Thank you very,very much on all your help and advice!

Sounds like I might try the opera after all.I only did not want to go as I have very sensitive hearing which I find can cause some discomfort if anything is too screechy or high volume.

Thanks for the idea of costs.Sounds ok,not too high in price.

I like reading up on the places before I go,and thanks for recommending the house you mentioned.Sounds intresting and I will read more on it.

When it comes to uploading I have not a clue-its something I have never done.I have photos on a cd,though never put them up,though I also like the old fashioned way of having them printed in a shop.

Just you has a part you can upload your photos on.If you click on Hoilday snaps in the pale blue banner,hopefully it give you an idea.

Its a lovely throught of you wanting to share you photos,and I appreicate that.I wish you the best in uploading them on here,if you cannot do it-not too worry,it was a nice gesture.

Did you enjoy the hotels mike? and the food in them?

Also Im nevous of having to go through customs myself,it sounds silly but Ive always met people before in a hotel or executive lounge,before flying.I have a worry I be going through Prague customs by myself,if I dont identify fellow solos.

I will certainly keep in touch Mike,thanks for your time and details you took on replying.


  • (Member)
Hello Sharon,

Glad to have been of help with all the various bits of information.

The hotels which we had last year were excellent. Although everybody was travelling as a 'single', I believe ALL the rooms had twin beds in them, and at the first stop there were actually 3 beds in my room. (Quite useful because the pillows were not very thick and it was convenient to pinch one from the spare bed.)

My only complaint was at the last hotel, in Budapest, where our final meal was not very inspiring. A sort of goulash, the same as we had eaten previously, (as you might expect in Hungary) but the dessert just consisted of 1 apple!

Don't worry about the customs. It was all very easy. Last year was my first trip with Just You and I am sure I was far more nervous than necessary. I made a point of looking for someone with a blue label on their hand luggage while standing in the departure lounge at Heathrow. I had spoken to 3 people before boarding and then found myself sitting next to another lady, with the group, when on the plane. We just went through the system together. I am sure you'll find someone to 'hold your hand'. Anyway, you have lots of experience of this type of holiday. Six previous trips wasn't it?

I will try and find out how to upload a few photos via the site and, if successful, will point you in the right direction.

Just relax and look forward to your holiday. I know you will enjoy it - and probably come home exhausted.

Mike x

  • (Member)
Hi again, Sharon,

I have discovered how to upload photos to the site and have created an album of 9 photos taken on the trip last year.

However, they seem to have been uploaded in random order despite the fact that I entered them chronologically.

Also, I have no idea how you will manage to locate them because there are obviously pages and pages of other people's photos and there doesn't seem to be a 'search' facility.

I will try and find out what to do. Good luck if you wish to have a go yourself.


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon, me again!

I've located the 9 photos that I uploaded. At the moment they are on page 2 of the 'holiday snaps' page. Middle of the bottom row. You are looking for Michael Mackenzie album. Hope you can find them.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike,

I got to see your photos!

They are wonderfull and thank you for uploading them.The house one is fasenating,and theres alot of nice archetecture

(spelling?) on this trip from whats on your photos,which is something I enjoy alot of.

Love the river views-lovely blue sky too-glad you had nice weather,like you mentioned.

Also thank you too on your message you sent the other day.The hotels sound very good.Be intresting to see them,and sorry to hear of the food in Budapests hotel.

Im more of a confident person now travel wise,and I will look for fellow solos before I land,as its always forgein airports that are more daunting,esp with the lack of english in some places-Russia was like this.

Not long left to go-and I will certainly let you know without fail how the hoilday went.It be a pleasure to share my trip with you.

Going on the 14th Aprill back 21st.So I reply before Aprill 25th!

Thank you again Mike.


Not long to go now and I am getting very excited and nervous all at the same time if that is possible.

I will see anyone else that is going at the airport no doubt.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi,Sharon here again :-)

I know exactly how you feel-Im the same,very excited and cant wait,though nervous at the same time.Im nervous mainly of going through customs myself and not seeing any other Just You travellers before I board.

Theres normally around 27 people on tours like this.Hopefully we will spot each others blue luggage tags at the airport.


Morning Folks,

I am going on this holiday on 19th May, my first Just You holiday too, and have enjoyed reading your messages and seeing the photos. At the moment I'm thinking about the currency situation and how much of each to order, will I need lots of spends? Also, I haven't had anything from JY re evening events but did wonder if I needed to take anything a bit more 'dressy' just in case.Is there anyone else out there going on 19th May?

Look forward to hearing how the hol goes in April - enjoy.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there :-)

Sorry on the late reply!

Your have a great time with Just You! I would never travel any other way now.

Money wise,if it helps I am allowing 50 pound a day,so I got 100 pounds worth of Kournas (spelling?) for the Czech Rep,200 worth of Euros for Austria,and 100 pounds worth of Forints for Hungry-ie equivent to50 a day in pounds.

For a few excusions that are extra,Ive allowed 100 pounds,and can pay in Sterling.

Theres the 60 pound Opera excusion,but I wont be doing this.Theres others that will pop up,but might not be certain,so in my final infomation I had it said opitional excusions will be mentioned on the hoilday itself.

Yes I would take something dressy if you want,in cause a concert comes up,for example.

Im not one to be too dressy so smart will do me.

I will be back on here after my trip,around 22nd/25th of Aprill to tell you and Mike how it went.

Hope you meet some fellow travellers on your trip on here,and have a wonderfull time!


Hi Sharon,

Thanks for the reply. I was thinking along the same lines for my budget so that's heartening.

I hope you have a great holiday, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Thanks again,


I am just home from this amazing trip, and feel a little sad its all over. It was amazing in every way. It was lovely to meet you sharon and you can message me if you want to keep in touch. Our tour manager was the best! Thinking of booking something later in year but afraid it wont live up to this one. Best wishes Leah
Glad you enjoyed it. I've booked this for later on in the year and feel the same as you about my recent trip to NZ. 🙂