  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
I am booked on the Croatia and the Makarska Riviera trip and am now worrying about my level of fitness - can you let me know how fit people need to be / the level of walking which will be involved please?

Also, I would appreciate some guidance on tipping the various people i.e tour guides, bus driver, porters etc. I realise tipping is up to the individual but I would welcome a rough idea.


Just You
Hi Vicky

Thanks for bearing with us. There is a fair bit of walking involved with this tour and inclines. I would recommend checking out the Say Hello board as a JY customer has just posted about their experiences in Croatia. Tipping locally in restaurants 10%-15% is the average expected. Holiday Directors, coach drivers and guides it really is completely at your discretion and whatever you believe constitutes the level of service you have received.

If you have any other questions please let us know and we hope you havea  fantastic time!

Best wishes,

Just You