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Hi everyone, I'm new to Just You but have been on a few other solo and touring holidays before.

I'm booked to go to Pompeii, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples on 13th March. I saw from the holiday information that there are quite a few optional excursions which will work out quite expensive to book all of them! So I wondered if any of you have been there before, which ones would you suggest I don't miss, which ones did you all enjoy the most? Did you prebook them or wait until you got there?  Also wondering about the weather in March, I assume it'll be a bit warmer than the UK but not too hot?

Thanks Lisa 🙂

When I went just before Covid, I booked everything except the cooking class. Unfortunately, Mount Vesuvius was cancelled due to a lack of numbers which was a shame as was particularly looking forward to that. Enjoyed the rest though, you'll have a good trip!


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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Great, thanks. I think I probably will do Mount Vesuvius if it's available.  I'll probably give the cooking class a miss and maybe Capri as I've heard it's a long day out. Might get the chance to do that another time 🙂
Capri is a long day, but worth it though.
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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the info Andy, I don't seem to be getting notifications if people reply even though I've ticked the box!
Hi Lisa 

I am also new to Just You and solo holidays and booked on this trip to Pompeii in March.  I have booked all of the trips apart from the cookery day and Versuvius.  I also wondered about the weather and also what there is to do on days where no trips as not sure what will be opened in March.  Really looking forward to going though.

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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I think there will be places to visit in the local area if not out on the excursions, I'll be taking a book or two as well just in case 🙂 I think I'm going to give them a call next week and see if I can prebook some as I don't want to get there and they're all booked up! I'm not fussed about the cookery day but would like to see Versuivius.

Not long now! See you there :-)

Originally Posted by: 

Hi Lisa 

I am also new to Just You and solo holidays and booked on this trip to Pompeii in March.  I have booked all of the trips apart from the cookery day and Versuvius.  I also wondered about the weather and also what there is to do on days where no trips as not sure what will be opened in March.  Really looking forward to going though.

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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
One week to go!!!

I've been keeping an eye on the weather as not sure what clothes to take, I expect I'll take far too many either way ;-)

Looks like it's gradually warming up out there, I think I've forgotten what warm weather feels like!

Hi im also new to solo travelling and Just Me but I have been to Italy before and did all the above except the cooking. I loved them all but in order of favourites it would be Pompeii, Capri and then Vesuvius. 
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
I have prebooked Vesuvius now. I might end up going to Capri as well, will see how I feel when I'm there and if there are spaces left!

Good luck with your solo travels, it's a bit scary but I've always enjoyed myself once I'm away :-)

Originally Posted by: BlencoweA 

Hi im also new to solo travelling and Just Me but I have been to Italy before and did all the above except the cooking. I loved them all but in order of favourites it would be Pompeii, Capri and then Vesuvius. 

Hello I'm also new to solo travelling and looking to book this holiday in September. Will be interested in hearing from any one booked up for this holiday and from those who have been and your thoughts. I'm interested to know whether it's worth booking a balcony room or is the standard room sufficient, I've been told you can't look out of the window as it's too high!
Debbie Peters
Hi there!  I am doing this trip on 7th June.  Should be wonderful, and a smaller group, which is better.  It seems a fairly active trip and you will not be spending too long in your room!  
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Sharon & Debbie, we just got back from our trip on Monday night.  There were 22 in our group, really nice mix of people, everyone got on really well.  Some of them had been away with Just You before and some were on their first solo trip, they all said they enjoyed the experience so hopefully it's given them the courage to do more trips.

I think you will probably both be in a different hotel from us. Because it was early season, we stayed in Minori which was over an hours drive from most of the excursions so we had very early morning starts every day! You might be staying nearer to Pompeii? Can't fault our hotel though, the rooms were kept clean everyday and the staff were really great. Some odd food combinations in the evenings but that just added to the fun 😉 

If you do end up on all the excursions, it's definitely a full on holiday.

The walk up Mt Vesuvius is hard work, there's a couple of places nearer the top where you can get drinks, limited snacks and souvenirs. These are also the only places you will be able to get some shade from the sun!

Capri was nice enough although very windy the day that we were there, don't wear slip on shoes if you are thinking of doing the chair lift! 😉 It's an amazing view from up there but other than that, I'm not sure we really got to see the best of the island. We didn't really have a lot of time there to look around and some things weren't open early season.

It's definitely worth doing Herculaneum and seeing how it compares with Pompeii.

Ravello is a lovely area to visit and would have liked a bit more time there. A couple from our group got the bus there seperately on one of the days when they weren't doing an excursion.

The Amalfi coast really is one of the most picturesque places you can visit, very glad we had our amazing coach driver though going round all the winding mountain roads!

I don't know if you'll have the same guide that we had but if you do have Silvia, tell her she's as mad as a box of frogs, she likes to learn new English phrases ;-)


Debbie Peters
Hi Lisa ... thanks for the feedback!  The hotel is currently being shown as the Minori but we shall see come June.  I am not doing all the excursions because I have been to the area before.  Not Vesuvius and definitely not the chairlift on Capri because I don't like heights!  Sounds like you had a nice holiday anyway.  
Debbie Peters
Now looks as if it will be the Palma for us.  The hotel looks gorgeous and is rated highly for the location so I'm happy!  
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
That hotel does look like a good location Debbie, hopefully you won't have quite such early starts there as we had every day! Enjoy your holiday 🙂
Debbie Peters
Thanks Lisa!  I have just done a big tour of North India, although not the JY trip, when we had several days of 4am starts.   Italy will be relaxing after that!    
What dates in Sept are you going? I'm there for the 1st week of Sept flying from Manchester. 1st time solo traveller!
Hi Debbie,

I'm booked on this trip in Sept also staying at the Palma, I'd welcome your views on the hotel and any recommendations on where to eat nearby. Thanks, Kate

Debbie Peters
Will get back to you Kate .... if I remember .... !!