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(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hi:  Just wondering if you would ever consider direct flights from Dublin or Belfast on some of your tours.   I have only ever done longhaul tours with JY in the past as the add on of flights/hotels to a 7 day tour makes it too expensive and cumbersome.  Big singles market in Ireland with very few companies doing tours for them.
Just You

Welcome and thanks for your question - the good news is yes, we do already have 3 holidays flying from Belfast (Lake Garda and the hidden gems of the Veneto, French and Italian Riviera Splendor and Experience South Africa)

Here is a link to our website to these 3 tours https://www.justyou.co.uk/search/?SearchTerm=&Tag=&SortOrder=Relevance&Take=10&Departs%5B0%5D=Belfast%20%28George%20Best%29&Departs%5B1%5D=Belfast%20%28Aldergrove%20Intl%29 

The even better news is that more and more regional flights are returning for 2023/2024 so just keep using the filter on the website to spot the new additions. 

Kind regards

Just You Community Team

  • (Guest)
Hi:  Have done tours of all these 3 destinations already but checked them out anyway and as far as I can see NONE fly directly to the destination from Belfast.  Lake Garda is via Heathrow taking 6-7 hours with layover, French and Italian Riviera is showing via Heathrow with no times and of course S Africa is via Heathrow (did this with JY in 2010).  I am talking about DIRECT flights from Ireland to Europe for the plethora of single travellers here.  As I said flying via London is not only cumbersome but far too expensive with flight and sometimes hotel add ons, £400+ for a 7 week tour.  I don't mind paying it on a long haul as there's usually no alternative and more justifiable for 2 weeks.

You can fly almost anywhere in Europe direct from Dublin, there is one company doing singles tours but with very limited destinations and fill up quickly so I just go on their normal ones on which there are always a few singles.  I'm sure other travellers in other parts of the UK who have to fly via London have the same gripe. 

Was just hoping JY might consider the potential here for singles tours.  In the past I have only done your long haul tours which were all very good and cheaper than your competitor OT which I dont use any more due to their exhorbitant cost now.

  • (Guest)
Hi:  Have done tours of all these 3 destinations already but checked them out anyway and as far as I can see NONE fly directly to the destination from Belfast.  Lake Garda is via Heathrow taking 6-7 hours with layover, French and Italian Riviera is showing via Heathrow with no times and of course S Africa is via Heathrow (did this with JY in 2010).  I am talking about DIRECT flights from Ireland to Europe for the plethora of single travellers here.  As I said flying via London is not only cumbersome but far too expensive with flight and sometimes hotel add ons, £400+ for a 7 week tour.  I don't mind paying it on a long haul as there's usually no alternative and more justifiable for 2 weeks.

You can fly almost anywhere in Europe direct from Dublin, there is one company doing singles tours but with very limited destinations and fill up quickly so I just go on their normal ones on which there are always a few singles.  I'm sure other travellers in other parts of the UK who have to fly via London have the same gripe. 

Was just hoping JY might consider the potential here for singles tours.  In the past I have only done your long haul tours which were all very good and cheaper than your competitor OT which I dont use any more due to their exhorbitant cost now.

Just You
Hi there, thanks for getting back in touch with us. Our team are working on adding more regional departures however, these will still route through London for the time being. We had a chat with our Aviation team and at the moment, regional departures are driven by demand. This will expand as we get back to operating a full programme but we don’t have timeframe for that at the moment. It’s a really good suggestion though – thank you!

Kind regards,

Just You Community Team