intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
So we are to have new Moderators.  I guess there are good reasons but would just like to say a huge THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Amy, Julia and others who have managed our posts magnificently. They have often bourne the brunt of our complaints when the problems were clearly not their fault. Do hope that as they sail off to pastures new they will have some very happy memories of Forum  members and our posts.

All the best.

  • (Member)
I didn't spot the official announcement a couple of days ago but had realised this morning that there was a new (or is it former) Moderator in place.   I'm very sad to hear that Julia and her assistants have all moved on - they have done sterling work over the years and Julia especially will be missed - but hope that their successors will be equally helpful.


  • (Member)
Well that announcement slipped through the net but I did think yesterday that the posts had a different tone about them. 

Welcome to the new 'victims' and huge thanks as Intrepid says to all who have patiently answered our queries and especially to Julia for her detailed explanations in times of woe.

Bon voyage.


Peter G
Hi Mystery Moderator Vickie

Welcome to the forum. I hope you will be able to find answers to all our questions.


Welcome to Vickie and Matt with Julia remaining. We'll try to be gentle with you!!!



  • (Member)
Lovely to have faces to go with the names.  Welcome Vickie & Matt and good to see Julia hasn't deserted us totally.

Best wishes

  • (Member)
Welcome to the new Moderator Vickie and welcoming back Julia and Matt, thanks for all your help in the past and to future posts, Sue
  • (Member)
A warm welcome to Vickie, Matt and of course Julia, thank you for all having to deal with our very varied questions, and for answering them. I know some of us can get a bit snappy at times, I hope you will not take it personally it’s just sometimes things frustrate us, so as long as a straight honest answer is given in a prompt way, we should be happy travellers... GOOD LUCK..


  • (Member)
Welcome Vicki and welcome back Matt and Julia x


  • (Member)
A big welcome to Vickie.

Best wishes from Jaya

A big welcome from me too Vickie.

Sadly, because of my impending (well I hope so), operation, I will not be bothering JY this year, but I still like to check the posts, and post where I can.

Hi Bosuncat,

Thank you for the welcome!

Ah sorry to hear that, but great to have you on the forum still. Hopefully we'll see you on another trip in the future 🙂



  • (Member)
I have to say that I have noticed and appreciate the increased speed with which posts are answered and put on the Forum.

Hope this continues and no reflection on previous moderators who I know were combining the role with other duties.

Best wishes


Hi Chris,

Thank you for your kind comments 🙂


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

Thank you for the welcome!

Ah sorry to hear that, but great to have you on the forum still. Hopefully we'll see you on another trip in the future 🙂



I certainly hope so Vickie, and thanks.

intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

A big welcome from me too Vickie.

Sadly, because of my impending (well I hope so), operation, I will not be bothering JY this year, but I still like to check the posts, and post where I can.

A huge ‘get well soon’.  Am sure I speak for all Forumites