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I have been looking at the holidays for 2018 and see that some are flying from East Midlands Airport, is there a particular reason for this as I would have thought Birmingham Airport would be better and with more choice of destinations, also East Midlands is not that easy to get to?

Also, with Monarch been no longer, what will happen to the holidays that you would normally use Monarch for?

Look forward to your comments.


  • (Member)
Hi Sue50,

Our team look to offer regional departures from as many airports as possible where flight times to and from the destination tie in with the full itinerary. What is easy to get to for one traveller, may not be easy for another, so the team is constantly reviewing flight routings in the hope that we can offer more options to customers.

With regard to Monarch, in short we'll be looking to source flights with an alternative carrier. At the moment, the team have been prioritising getting customers home who were overseas at the time of the Monarch announcement and those who have a holiday departing soon.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue50,

Our team look to offer regional departures from as many airports as possible where flight times to and from the destination tie in with the full itinerary. What is easy to get to for one traveller, may not be easy for another, so the team is constantly reviewing flight routings in the hope that we can offer more options to customers.

With regard to Monarch, in short we'll be looking to source flights with an alternative carrier. At the moment, the team have been prioritising getting customers home who were overseas at the time of the Monarch announcement and those who have a holiday departing soon.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thank you for your response. 

I  would have thought that East Midlands actually has fewer options to places you can fly to, and also as I said I'm my previous message it is not the easiest place to get to unless you drive there and not everyone wants to do that. Birmingham Airport you can get a train to the actual airport.  I hope this decision does not lose you customers or at least have Birmingham Airport as another option on the same holiday.

As for you comment regarding Monarch I totally understand your priority is the immediate future but again customers want to plan for next year and will require to know if you can get another carrier and that this will.not effect the advertised price of the holiday they are thinking of booking or booked.


Sue50. You say East Midlands airport is not easy to get to.

Surely it depends where you live !!

I just got back from TS Tuscany tour and quite a lot of the group flew from East Midlands. Indeed they had chosen the tour because EMA was so convenient for them.

'Nelson' wrote:

Sue50. You say East Midlands airport is not easy to get to.

Surely it depends where you live !!

I just got back from TS Tuscany tour and quite a lot of the group flew from East Midlands. Indeed they had chosen the tour because EMA was so convenient for them.

I agree with Nelson.  EMA is my local airport, albeit half a hour plus away in a taxi as I do not drive.  It has also a 24 hour Skylink service by bus from Nottingham, and the nearest train is Nottingham East Midlands Parkway.  I use it by choice, if JY are able to offer holidays flying from there despite the hefty supplement.  Birmingham is also a good option for me, but I have never been able to use the train service as so many of the flights that JY use are early morning ones.  I like the fact that on a very limited range of holidays I can use either of them.  Far better than the 6 hours plus coach journey to Gatwick or 5 hours to Heathrow, with the inevitable overnight stay at least one way!

I do hope, that wherever possible that JY are able to continue to offer both airports as an alternative. 🙂

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Nelson' wrote:

Sue50. You say East Midlands airport is not easy to get to.

Surely it depends where you live !!

I just got back from TS Tuscany tour and quite a lot of the group flew from East Midlands. Indeed they had chosen the tour because EMA was so convenient for them.

Hi Nelson

Yes I agree it would depend where you live, but I do not think EMA offers the same number if destinations as BHAM and think it will cost a lot of business for Just You.


  • (Member)
JY can never please every one with their regional departures what works for one person doesn’t for another. It always amazes me the lengths some people who use JY go to, to join a tour, people have long journeys and overnight stays in hotels for one or two nights which all mounts up in the price they have to pay.

I am sure JY do all they can, but as the old saying goes,

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all of the time, ..or something like that.


  • (Member)
I agree with Cindy - not easy to please everyone. What suits one does not suit the other! At the end of the day it is up to an individual to decide whether or not to book a holiday. My personal feeling is that if you really wanted to go on a particular tour you will not fret about which airport the flight is from. Yes, sometimes one has to travel a long way and spend extra money on overnight stays but this is what it is.



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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I think everyone is missing my point.  It would appear that on some of the holidays where Birmingham Airport was an option, it has now been changed to East Midlands Airport, or on the new holidays Birmingham is not an option just East Midlands for central England.

I do not mind travelling to an airport, I fly from London no problem.  My point was, if East Midlands Airport was the only option in central England it is not easy to get to.  I live in Birmingham and there is no direct train, National Express Coach like you can get to other airports, the only way I can get there is by taxi which is up to 2 hours journey and cost a lot of money.  Surely Birmingham should be another option as well as East Midlands.

I agree you cannot please everyone, however, with Birmingham been 2nd biggest city in the UK you would think they would have Birmingham airport as an option.

The distance between Birmingham Airport and East Midlands airport is 36.5 miles. They are connected by the same motorway! Just You need to use which airport the airline is flying from. Weall, at times are inconvenienced where flights are going from.
Well said Charleyhorse!

Not coming from that area I assumed the distance being talked about was significant but 36.5 miles is minimal particularly when you are setting out on a journey of a thousand or more miles. Not many people live on the edge of an airport, practically all of us have a journey to make.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SusieB' wrote:

Well said Charleyhorse!

Not coming from that area I assumed the distance being talked about was significant but 36.5 miles is minimal particularly when you are setting out on a journey of a thousand or more miles. Not many people live on the edge of an airport, practically all of us have a journey to make.

I would just like to point out that you are all missing my point.  

In the last brochure there were holidays where they had Birmingham Airport as an option. In this year's brochure on some of them they have taken away Birmingham Airport and replaced it with East Midlands which I think is a bad move and not because i live in Birmingham.

As I have said previously I do not mind travelling to an airport, I go to Heathrow and Gatwick and would go to Manchester because I can get to them via train or coach direct. East Midlands does not it means one or two changes which makes the journey long and difficult. 

I think we will have agree to disagree.

Good Afternoon Sue50,

We always take any feedback from our customers on board so thank you for your comment.

I can advise you that in January 2017 there were 24 tours that flew from Birmingham airport and in May there were 26 tours.

For East Midlands airport, there were 5 tours but now there are 6 tours.

However, we are always looking for other opportunities where airports are more local to our customers.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Afternoon Sue50,

We always take any feedback from our customers on board so thank you for your comment.

I can advise you that in January 2017 there were 24 tours that flew from Birmingham airport and in May there were 26 tours.

For East Midlands airport, there were 5 tours but now there are 6 tours.

However, we are always looking for other opportunities where airports are more local to our customers.

Kindest Regards,


Appreciate your response, it must be that the holiday I was looking at Barcelona's sunshine coast was from birmingham in this year's brochure but next year's it's East Midlands which is a big disappointment. 


Hi Sue

Bit late to this thread but I was just looking at the Barcelona trip and like you am disappointed that there is no Birmingham flight as I live 10 minutes away from the airport.  If I do book, I would go from Heathrow - it is a bit further but much cheaper than the East Midlands departure and the flights are with BA (East Midlands is with Ryanair and there is no way I would fly with them).


Been following the thread re Birmingham Airport v East Midlands airport. All I can say lucky you are to have a choice!!! I live in Scotland and very few holidays fly direct from Glasgow or Edinburgh, especially in the winter months. I had a lovely in Mijas in October and would have liked to go there for Christmas - however NO flights from Scotland!! It would be so easy for me to book my own flight from Glasgow to Malaga, and I really wont mind making my own way to Mijas, however this is not possible with JY - so near yet so far away!! Other companies I have enquired with would let me do that no prob....why not JY??? Also, when we do have flights from Scotland its either Easyjet or Ryanair - the cheapest of the cheap!! I have addressed this before and have not received a satisfactory answer.....
Good Morning Jintzky,

I have privately sent you an email in relation to this post.

Kind Regards,
