I like a good few on the forum was in a village near Bagan in Burma. I'm also not sure about the iniative as I don't recall it being mentioned. I just love getting close to the locals and here we were made to feel very welcome.
I've definitely been to Chansor in Cambodia when I done the "Cambodia and the Mekong Delta" tour with TS. Bangkok to Saigon all by bus and a lot of the time by boat. This trip is right up there for me.
The vIsit to Chansor was after an early morning vIsit to Angkor Wat. I was a tad disappointed we did not get longer at AW but our obliging local guide Sokkhoeun took 3 interested people back the following free afternoon and it was just marvellous.
The Chansor village was well worth the vIsit and was very memorable too. First we saw the local school in the proces of being extended using money donated by the local tour company TS use.
We were invited into a class room and were able to hand out pencils and paper to the children. We then saw some local women making brooms and milling/grinding rice.
Then it was a highlight when the 15 people in our group plus tour manager each had our own ox pulled cart as we were taken to another part of the village for a lunch made and served by the villagers. One of the best meals on the tour.
To finish off a lovely vIsit we had a blessing from a young Buddhist monk. We all individually received from the monk strands of red wool tied to our wrist. A few of us wore the strands permanently for the rest of the holiday. It is now hanging from my bed post. Good memories and a way of putting something into the local community.
I also remember going to a school on the floating Uros Islands on Lake Titicaca though this wasn't an initiative - the locals just wanted us to see and we could hand out pencils and books if we had taken them. They sang songs to us in 7 different languages including "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean'. A Scottish song sung by young kids on floating islands in Peru - nearly brought a tear to the eye.