  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Good afternoon all,

As you know we launched the Highlights of Persia tour this year and we're looking forward to taking our groups away this Autumn to see the ancient city of Persepolis, spending time in Isfahan and visiting the Garden of Paradise in Shiraz. I have been asked to provide a friendly reminder to those who are still thinking about booking this tour that it does take approximately 4 months to arrange a visa to visit Iran and therefore, if you are interested in travelling with us this year - make sure you don't leave it too late.

Kindest regards,


Angie S
Phew .. I thought I had not done something lol !
'Angie S' wrote:

Phew .. I thought I had not done something lol !

Me too!

Angie S
Ha ha Sandra ... I like how we keep thinking the same things!
'Angie S' wrote:

Ha ha Sandra ... I like how we keep thinking the same things!

Me too!

For the visa, we have to wear a headscarf and be respectfully covered.

Any ideas what to wear?

All the headscarves I has tried just slip straight off my head and my hair is very short which doesn't help

  • (Member)
Hi Sandra

I use a long scarf to protect my head from the sun whilst on holidays. Perhaps this may be a good idea for you as you can use it like a head scarf. Sainsbury sells some nice ones.



Haven't you got a soft pashmina? With one, you can wrap it in such a way that it covers your neck as well. Otherwise, if you happen to live in an area with a large muslim community, wouldn't the local market be the place to look? I imagine you would be taking head covering with you, if nothing else to show respect to the people of the host country. Try to get something made of natural fibres or vicose would be my advice, for the heat, & remember that dark colours absorb heat. I live in a country where mosquitos & heat can be a problem, so the rule is light colours for both.


Angie S
Hi Sandra,

I kind of thought we would need to wear a headscarf for visa pic. Better start practicing! I must admit I've looked online to see how to wear them! I never seem to suit these things and yet others look quite stylish, especially the locals.

I've also looked at some bespoke websites for clothing designed for the region so that I fit in i.e. some longer length tops. I've got nothing yet but aim to get a few things, nothing too fancy or expensive.

I still don't think it has sunk in I'm going to Iran but really looking forward to it.


199 days to go

Thanks everyone for their help.

I was fine with tunic, trousers and headscarves the couple of times I went with a friend round India, but my hair was not so short then - it's less than half an inch now.

I will take a look at Sainsburys and also pashminas and on-line too.

  • (Member)
4 months to arrange a visa, yikes! Is that normal?



this website had step by step guides on how to wear a head scarf for various countries so hopefully will help.

I am hoping that one of you will write a review on your return as it sounds like an amazing holiday.

Also I think you should share the photos of you in your headscarves with us... :)


'marks' wrote:

4 months to arrange a visa, yikes! Is that normal?


I think that you have to visit the embassy about 4 months before to start the visa process

'Kezzer46' wrote:


this website had step by step guides on how to wear a head scarf for various countries so hopefully will help.

I am hoping that one of you will write a review on your return as it sounds like an amazing holiday.

Also I think you should share the photos of you in your headscarves with us... :)


Thanks Keezer - there are definitely two of us girls going on the October Iran trip so I'm sure we will post some pics including headscarves. I travelled round Northern India twice with a friend for her business and we wore a headscarf as the norm, so I'm used to that.

'Angie S' wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I kind of thought we would need to wear a headscarf for visa pic. Better start practicing! I must admit I've looked online to see how to wear them! I never seem to suit these things and yet others look quite stylish, especially the locals.

I've also looked at some bespoke websites for clothing designed for the region so that I fit in i.e. some longer length tops. I've got nothing yet but aim to get a few things, nothing too fancy or expensive.

I still don't think it has sunk in I'm going to Iran but really looking forward to it.


199 days to go

Angie - did you get your visa advice form from JY? I'm going to get the first picture with a headscarf on next weekend.

Angie S
Hi Sandra, 

I got the JY letter a couple of days before I went to Tibet. I just got back a few days ago.

I tried wearing a scarf this morning but despite my hair being very short I can't seem to hide it. I'm going to get a hijab cap to wear under a scarf for photo purposes. When in Iran some hair can show. 

Are you any further forward?


'Angie S' wrote:

I got the JY letter a couple of days before I went to Tibet. I just got back a few days ago.


Hi Angie

Hope you are "back to normal" after our China/Tibet adventure. Our couple of days in Hong Kong went by very quickly! Just added to my feeling I was 30 years too late but enjoyable nevertheless. Good to meet you and I do hope our paths will cross again - nothing as adventurous as Iran though. I am sure you will have the most wonderful time.

Best Regards


(The chunky female with long hair - mostly in plaits to stop it tangling in my camera strap!)

Angie S
Don't worry Kedi I totally remember you! Seeing as we were usually at the tail end of the group with our cameras.

I did think about you guys in HK and how you were getting on. Maybe 30 years too late but better late than never - before it really does change. You never know there is every chance our paths will cross again.

I'm amazed Hils has not got her review on the forum yet. Maybe she's waiting a few days til she comes back down to earth from the roof of the world and all that went with that

Take care. I'm sure we'll chat again somehow!


(not presently the blonde one)

'Angie S' wrote:

Hi Sandra, 

I got the JY letter a couple of days before I went to Tibet. I just got back a few days ago.

I tried wearing a scarf this morning but despite my hair being very short I can't seem to hide it. I'm going to get a hijab cap to wear under a scarf for photo purposes. When in Iran some hair can show. 

Are you any further forward?


Hi Angie

I couldn't hide my hair either so I got a bandana and tied it tight round my head and then put my headscarf on. No hair showing at all - perfect. Sent my photo & copy of passport off to the Just You consular services address just over a week ago so should hear back with an authentication number ready to apply. One slight thing - I'm in Turkey the first week of September, so not sure whether to apply for Iran visa before or after that.

How are you getting on?

Angie S
Good thinking Sandra. I'm not any further forward. Will get the photo done hopefully at the weekend and get it sent off. 

By the way there was a lady on my Tibet tour and she is also booked for our Iran trip in October. I hope I recognise her!


'Angie S' wrote:

Good thinking Sandra. I'm not any further forward. Will get the photo done hopefully at the weekend and get it sent off. 

By the way there was a lady on my Tibet tour and she is also booked for our Iran trip in October. I hope I recognise her!


How exciting - 3 women out of 8 at the last count. I hate to put a damper on things but there was a terrorist attack in Tehran today - reported on the BBC website - around the government buildings. There has not been any kind of this thing since the late 70s. Hopefully the Foreign Office will not change the status for visitors to Iran.

I'm so tempted by Tibet, but cash wise it will have to be in a couple of years time........