JY Will
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
As I lay in bed last night I came up with what I think might be a great holiday idea, but I would love to know what you think!

I was thinking starting in Turkey and working into Greece and then on the ferry over to Italy and ending in Rome. 2 weeks exploring three ancient empires.

Would that be an interesting one at all?

I hope your bosses know how dedicated you are to your job! Although this wouldn't be top of my list (there are already too many on that list!) it does sound like a great idea and one I'm sure will appeal to many forum fanatics.
  • (Member)

What are you doing laying in bed thinking of WORK !!!!

Ok sounds good but sorry not my cuppa tea!

Any more news to excite me of a more animal based safari tour!


You really should get some sleep Will !

But yes , that 's a great idea especially if accompanied by a knowledgeable tour manager.

I did the travelsphere Pompeii , Herculaneum and paestum and it was made by our excellent lecturer / guide.

'JY wrote:

As I lay in bed last night I came up with what I think might be a great holiday idea, but I would love to know what you think!

I was thinking starting in Turkey and working into Greece and then on the ferry over to Italy and ending in Rome. 2 weeks exploring three ancient empires.

Would that be an interesting one at all?

Hi Will

Yes would be definitely something I would be interested in. Would be a full on couple of weeks.


Hi Will

I love visiting historical sites. Your trip idea is something that would appeal to me.

Look forward to seeing it come to fruition!



  • (Member)
Sounds a good idea, can I also suggest an idea, I went on the inspirational china tour in 2013, and have looked at your other china tour, land of the dragon, but even though they go to some different places, they do overlap the other China tour. How about some other places in china with no overlap. Its a large country with plenty to see

and I hate going back to the same place, so come on JY a complete

new tour of China, and call it off the tourist route china.

I would book.

JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:


What are you doing laying in bed thinking of WORK !!!!

Ok sounds good but sorry not my cuppa tea!

Any more news to excite me of a more animal based safari tour!


Cindy, I never turn off from work. But that's OK because I love my job!

  • (Member)
Hi Will,

Great idea but again not top of my list at present - I'm hoping you'll reinstate the longer Turkey tour though, along the lines of the Travelsphere tour. Julia mentioned that the team was looking into it a while back?? I also want to visit Greece at some stage, so a tour combining a comprehsive Turkey tour with highlights of Greece might be up my street!

Also I agree with Sim1's comments - I'd be very interested in the Land of the Dragon/Tibet tour but seeing as I only did the Inspirational China tour last Sept I wouldn't want to duplicate Shanghai and Chengdu so soon. I know the tour has to start somewhere, but perhaps the Shanghai itinerary could be radically different to the Inspirational China tour? Just a thought. I am also afraid it might disappear from the schedule before I have a chance to do it however!

A final question for you, seeing as I've only been travelling with JY for just under five years: when you "rest" a tour due to low numbers or whatever, do you usually have it in mind to "resurrect" it (albeit in a possibly different form) a few years down the road? I've seen the polar bear experience dropped and brought back with great success and Nepal reintroduced in a different format, as well as Japan. I'm just wondering will Malaysia/Borneo reappear at some stage and what other destinations you might be thinking of introducing further down the line? If you were able to give us some hints of future plans e.g. you were hoping to introduce Ethiopia, Malaysia etc in two or three years time, it could stop some of us going with another company in the meantime!!

Sorry for going off topic!



Sorry Will, Sounds a bit boring to me. Not my type of holiday.


I agree with Sim. I would love to see some more of China, but the Land of the Dragon tour overlaps too much with the one I have already done. Also, I am not too keen on flying long haul with China eastern airways.
'sim1' wrote:

Sounds a good idea, can I also suggest an idea, I went on the inspirational china tour in 2013, and have looked at your other china tour, land of the dragon, but even though they go to some different places, they do overlap the other China tour. How about some other places in china with no overlap. Its a large country with plenty to see

and I hate going back to the same place, so come on JY a complete

new tour of China, and call it off the tourist route china.

I would book.

I think what you need to bear in mind is that holidays are being tweaked all the time, what may be an overlap for some is not necessarily an overlap for everyone. I went to China is 2007 when it was called The Wonder of China and we did not visit Shanghai or Chendu, at that time we went to Chende which is no longer in the itinerary and if I remember correctly Shanghai and Chendu were a separate holiday, so for me Land of the Dragon IS a completely new tour.

I know where you are coming from in a way because when I went to Costa Rica it did not include Nicaragua, but that's just the nature of the team trying to improve the holidays, and to be quite honest even if I had already been to Shanghai and Chendu I wouldn't miss out on the chance of going to Tibet, who knows Land of the Dragon may not be in the 2016 brochure, that's a chance I'm not going to take.

A good idea, but maybe one empire too far for two weeks, given the distances involved. You would be able to get a "taste" of each empire. I would prefer a more in depth tour of any two of the three. Rome and Athens sounds good.
JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Will,

Great idea but again not top of my list at present - I'm hoping you'll reinstate the longer Turkey tour though, along the lines of the Travelsphere tour. Julia mentioned that the team was looking into it a while back?? I also want to visit Greece at some stage, so a tour combining a comprehsive Turkey tour with highlights of Greece might be up my street!

Also I agree with Sim1's comments - I'd be very interested in the Land of the Dragon/Tibet tour but seeing as I only did the Inspirational China tour last Sept I wouldn't want to duplicate Shanghai and Chengdu so soon. I know the tour has to start somewhere, but perhaps the Shanghai itinerary could be radically different to the Inspirational China tour? Just a thought. I am also afraid it might disappear from the schedule before I have a chance to do it however!

A final question for you, seeing as I've only been travelling with JY for just under five years: when you "rest" a tour due to low numbers or whatever, do you usually have it in mind to "resurrect" it (albeit in a possibly different form) a few years down the road? I've seen the polar bear experience dropped and brought back with great success and Nepal reintroduced in a different format, as well as Japan. I'm just wondering will Malaysia/Borneo reappear at some stage and what other destinations you might be thinking of introducing further down the line? If you were able to give us some hints of future plans e.g. you were hoping to introduce Ethiopia, Malaysia etc in two or three years time, it could stop some of us going with another company in the meantime!!

Sorry for going off topic!



Hi Bob, always happy to answer your questions!

Turkey is having a difficult year across the whole of the travel industry. For that reason we have not pursued that longer tour idea any further just yet I'm afraid.

on the Land of the Dragon, you are right, we do have to start the tour somewhere. With the very difficult flight routing we use on that tour we are very limited and so we pretty much had to do Shanghai & Chengdu. Shanghai is a 2 night stay at the start just to acclimatise to the time zone etc and if we did an itinerary which didn't visit the major highlights, I know from experience there would be people disappointed about that fact. Over in Chengdu, it is one of the most popular things we do as a business. I have had so many lovely letters from people and so many saying they wouldn't hesitate to do it all again - so again, it felt the right thing to do. In between that we tried to include the real off the beaten track places that show the real China off. So although there may be some duplication, hopefully it is minimal!

Resting a tour is an interesting question.... It is sometimes a sensitive way of saying we have discontinued a tour - but I would never ever say a tour wouldn't be introduced - so that's why we say 'rest' rather than 'cancel'. Sometimes we genuinely do plan to give a tour a year off, tweak it to make it better, let people's desire to go build up again and relaunch. Suffice to say there are no set rules and we make our decisions based on what is popular AND the comments from people on the forum - you all have so much influence on us (and hopefully you have seen first hand evidence of that many times!).

I do love to try and share with you what we are thinking about but I have to be a bit careful for a number of reasons. I would expect competing companies read these forums and info like that is a little sensitive. The other thing is that if I said to you we were working on Ethiopia and it didn't come to fruition you would be more annoyed than if you never knew we were working on it the first place I dare say. I know I mentioned we had looked into Madagascar last year, fortunately we came out with Namibia which you seemed to like instead. But I would hate to let anyone down - especially with something as important as holidays!

I like the idea of this one, having been hooked on ancient architectural sites since I was about 10 years old and taken to Verulamium.


  • (Member)
yes I would be intrested in doing this.
what about more carabean, all inclusive holidays?
Sorry Will, I'm into everything Roman but admit I don't know much about the Turkish and Greek empires, and as there is already another great long haul you and the team have put together that will be next on my list along with possible new ideas you have in the May brochure (Alaska and Guatemala), Ancient Empires would not be top of my particular list at the mo.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great idea for those with more knowledge of the Greeks and the Turks than I have.


Good Morning, Will!

Talking of ancient empires - I've always wanted to travel the Trans-Siberian Express

from Moscow to China. I know this would be an eye-wateringly expensive trip!

But I'd love to do this with like-minded single people to share the experience.

I'd be first to slap my deposit on the table (then try to figure out how to pay the


  • (Member)
Hi Will,

Many thanks for your reply, it has helped me to understand a lot of the complex issues involved. I will keep a close eye, as always, on the forum and new brochures for even more exciting new holidays! The range is so big at the moment, it is hard to make plans to maximize my holiday allocation and funds! The only problem for me is that the euro has fallen a lot against sterling in recent months, making JY holidays a lot more expensive for me, so if this continues I will sadly have to scale back in a year or two - but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it and will keep on dreaming and planning in the meantime!

Best wishes,
