(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just 2 weeks until my first JY trip!! Feeling excited and nervous at the same time!! 

I noticed in the joining instructions that we might want to take a pop up mosquito net as some hotels do not provide them!!! I'd not planned for that one!! 

Anyone who has done this trip able to comment on this? 

Many thanks


'taylor1907@btinternet.com' wrote:

Just 2 weeks until my first JY trip!! Feeling excited and nervous at the same time!! 

I noticed in the joining instructions that we might want to take a pop up mosquito net as some hotels do not provide them!!! I'd not planned for that one!! 

Anyone who has done this trip able to comment on this? 

Many thanks


I did this tour 4 years ago. All of the hotels are of a very high standard and so far as I remember mozzie protection doors and windows of varying types were the norm in areas where possibly needed (Kruger & Zambia).  Actually there is not much problem with mozzies even in those places and locals found it quite amusing that we were all hooked on Malarone etc.

My joining instructions for the Kenyan Safari have the same warning and I think this is something new JY have thought up this year. For South Africa though I would say you don't need to worry at all.

This is a wonderful tour and remains my absolute favourite, I'm sure it will be the same for you!

Have a great time 

Sue (another one)

Best wishes

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

I did this tour in 2011 and all the hotels had air-con so no nets were needed.  Mosquitoes don't like air con, so keep it on whenever you are in the room.  However, quite a lot of the hotels have been changed since then so perhaps JY are using some that do not have air con.  I wouldn't worry too much about the mossies - Boots now do a version of their Repel called Light Fragrance - it is DEET free but has a strength rating of 3 out of 4 and it is MUCH nicer to use than DEET!  I'd suggest you use it liberally morning and evening and personally I wouldn't worry about getting a mosquito net - but that, of course, is up to you!

Hope you have a brilliant time on this amazing tour - it is still my favourite tour ever and the Vic Falls add-on is the icing on the cake!

All the best,


  • (Member)

You might want to omit your email address, just a thought.

You might get more response reposting this on the main board.

I have not been on this tour so cannot comment re nets.


Hi Sue,

I did this trip last October - it was fabulous! Some of the hotels had anti-mozzie plug ins in the room, I remember at Kruger they did and also in Zambia. I didn't get bitten once - not sure if this is because I was using deet and wearing special bracelets but I don't remember seeing many insects. I don't think a net would be necessary.

My top tip would be to do the microlight over Victoria Falls if you get the chance. I wasn't sure before the trip but was so glad I did, such an amazing experience. (My avatar pic is from then). Another tip would be to pack a small sunscreen in your hand luggage as we went straight from the airport to Table Mountain and could have fried in the queue otherwise.

Have a wonderful time and feel free to ask if you have further questions.


There is no need for a mosquito net - if I remember rightly all hotels had aircon which kills the little so and so's. One tip I would recommend is for bungalow style rooms with an external door that whenever you open the door at night ensure the interior lights are switched off first. You wouldn't believe how quickly the light attracts them in.

Also can I suggest that you consider changing your username from your email address to something else. Although the vast majority of people of this forum are legitimate, some do come on for other purposes.

Have a brilliant trip - this one remains a firm favourite of mine.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you everyone! So helpful.