  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi am going on the Heart and Soul Tour of America in May we go from Chicago to New Orleans can anyone advise me on what type of  clothes I need to take  

Thank you


  • (Member)

I had not done this particular tour, but I have been on many USA tours with JY...the dress code tend to be smart casual, and layers, so depending on the weather you can add or subtract garments..I also take a 3 in 1 jacket that's a fleece that then can be put into a light anorak a fleece or it's a light anorak or together a warm jacket, I also take a light scarf and gloves better to be safe than sorry.

Sometimes on a USA tour you don't get much time from being out all day to going out for tea, so don't worry not every one changes for the evening. You might want to put a couple of smarter nice items for going out.. But the majority do not DRESS UP.

Any other questions just ask..


Mick W
You have picked a good time of year to go Chicago usually gets up to the low 20's during the day but may drop to around 8 or 9 on an evening (so possibly a fleece or light jacket).

As you head south it will get warmer so the summer clothes should be in the bag, possibly could see tempretures reach the 30's in Memphis or New Orleans.

Dress code is very relaxed in America so just Smart/casual on an evening is ideal.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you feel a lot better now I know what to pack 🙂
'Rjonsie' wrote:

Hi am going on the Heart and Soul Tour of America in May we go from Chicago to New Orleans can anyone advise me on what type of  clothes I need to take  

Thank you



I did this tour last May - it was fantastic!! - and had the same worries. Chicago was unusually cold and obviously the further South you travel the warmer it gets. I suggest you take lots of T shirts and a couple of sweatshirts so you can 'layer-up'. Also take a lightweight shower jacket cos when it rains it buckets down! We were very lucky but it rained on the day we visited one of the plantations and everything turned to mud. New Orleans is very humid so a hand held fan would be very useful. However whatever you need is readily and cheaply available at every location. I hope you have the same Tour Manager that we had, Jackie O'Donoghue was great and clearly loves doing this trip. Enjoy!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry to bother you again I am going for 10 nights how much spending money do you think I would need not sure about tips and things Thank you

Yvonne x

Mick W
When I did the trip i breakfasts were included so meals wise it was a sandwich and drink at lunch $10, maybe same again for coffee, cake, ice cream, etc. during day (another $10max).

Evening meal with couple of drinks i allow $30 including tips but it really can depend on were you go from posh restaurant to small bar.

So would recommend $50 per day as a minimum.

The rest depends on you and what you want to do.

You do have some free time for example i remember getting a bus to the south of Chicago to the Museum of Science and industry which was around $15 if i remember, also visited the Civil war museum & mardi gras museum in New Orleans which again cost but cant remember how much.

Also visited a number of music clubs which had a cover charge (plus a couple more drinks)

A lot also depends on what souveniers/presents you buy.

Then not forgetting the coach drivers tip at the end of the holiday.

On another note if you visit a large walmarts as we did (in Arkansas) you can pick up some real clothing bargains so have room in your suitcase (eg, wrangler and levi jeans for $20-$25).

Personally I probably average about $100 per day but know lots of others didn't come to the live music clubs so would spend less.

Suggest you take your minimum estimate and a credit card which can be used anywhere in the US.


Don't worry too much about money.  On my last tour in US, some of us were not so rich.  We certainly couldn't afford $100 per day. Except for special evenings, we picked up a sandwich (or similar) to eat in the evening - plenty of opportunities to collect these along the way.  Do some research on how many evenings out you are likely to want to do and budget for these.  Plus a credit card for emergencies.
Good advice from Mick. I did a different tour to this one but based on the advice from Mick and some of the other travellers I allowed around $75 a day. I also took around $300 extra because I love my souvenirs. I also took some english currency and my credit card just in case - and used neither.
Mick W
'Kezzer46' wrote:

Good advice from Mick.  I did a different tour to this one but based on the advice from Mick and some of the other travellers I allowed around $75 a day.  I also took around  $300 extra because I love my souvenirs.  I also took some english currency and my credit card just in case - and used neither.

Thanks Kezzer it's true what we spend is very personal but no way will I spend around £3k on a holiday to live on sandwiches, love eating out on a evening.

I agree 100% Mick - I like to experience as much as I can and not just the hotel. Eating out is all part of the holiday experience - you get to know better some of your fellow travellers and meet with the locals.
  • (Member)
Hi Mick and Kezzer

I too would not like to live on Sandwiches whilst on holiday and I try and take as much cash I can plus a credit card for emergencies. But I can also understand that not all people have big budgets. I find that you can always find a cheap place to eat a hot meal if you do not fancy or can't afford going to a posh place. Spending money is very individual and personal.


'jonsie' wrote:

Hi am going on the Heart and Soul Tour of America in May we go from Chicago to New Orleans can anyone advise me on what type of  clothes I need to take  

Thank you


Hi Jonsie 

I'm going on the same May tour I was wondering what clothes as well ! 

Do you know how long the coach is from Chicago to St. Louis ? 



Mick W
The journey from Chicago to St Louis was a full day when we did it but includes 2 or 3 hours in Springfield visiting Lincoln's home, grave and museum plus time for lunch.

It's about 5 hours or so on the coach with the stop splitting the journey.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Anne are you flying from Manchester if you are I will keep a look out for you, we will all have JY labels on our  luggage . Glad I asked about clothes as we will be going from cool to very hot I was told smart casual for evening and casual for days comfortable for traveling . I believe there are 19 women and 11 men on our tour age range from mid 40`s to 80 so I will fit right in the middle ,really looking forward to this trip  it has been planned for a long time.

