(Member) (Topic Starter)
Previously we always took cash on holiday or drew some from cash points. I am going to Greece, for the first holiday on my own. Any advice please? I am assuming there will be a safe in the room, Olympic Riviera dep. 16 June. 🙂
  • (Member)
'diamondsgirl' wrote:

Previously we always took cash on holiday or drew some from cash points. I am going to Greece, for the first holiday on my own. Any advice please? I am assuming there will be a safe in the room, Olympic Riviera dep. 16 June. :)


Well you already know that Greece uses the Euro. Most posts on here do not recommend travellers cheques because they can be difficult to change. Your options are cash, withdrawing Euros from an ATM using your debit card, or getting a pre-loaded card before you go and using that at the ATM as you would your debit card. I have used FairFx euro card with no problems for a long time. With FairFx there is no charge for purchases but an ATM charge of €1.50 for cash withdrawals. Tip: withdraw a fair amount in one go, put what you don't want to carry in the safe, and save a few Euros in withdrawal charges. I don't know about other cards.

Hope this helps


  • (Member)
I always take some £ for at the airport, local currency for where I am going, I also take a bank card and a credit card, informing both of those that I am going abroad. I personally don't draw money out from ATMs while away, but I know that many people do, do this nowadays and as long as you can locate a machine it's easy to do.


'diamondsgirl' wrote:

Previously we always took cash on holiday or drew some from cash points. I am going to Greece, for the first holiday on my own. Any advice please? I am assuming there will be a safe in the room, Olympic Riviera dep. 16 June. :)

I use the post office credit card abroad. No charge for using it abroad except withdrawing from an ATM. The reason I take this over a prepaid card is I if I choose to buy more than I expected etc then I have the funds without worrying, and just pay it off in full when I get back. It's a MasterCard so is widely accepted. I would also take some cash too for small items. Most hotels you can charge stuff to the room then pay at the end.

I have also used the prepaid Caxton card, but the only difficulty I found with this is you have to pay to get your money back off the card which I objected too!


  • (Member)

I always take cash and a credit card for any emergencies. Have not tried any pre-paid cards.



I also take cash, I just have a rough idea in my head of what i'll need, ie' plenty, I usually order online depending on the best rate/deal with free delivery and take the credit/debit card for emergency and let the banks know where I am going


  • (Member)

Having just come back from Greece I have a fair idea of costs etc. now. With the problems they have had economically, restaurant meals and drinks were not as cheap as I had envisaged, and I think this fact caught a few of our ladies out, and they kept having to go to the ATM more frequently! I always take a fair amount of cash (Euros) and also a credit card with me (if you are the right age (!), Saga's card doesn't charge when you use it abroad, unlike some others). As a rough guide we probably spent about 20 Euros a day on lunch (depending what you drink of course!), and depending what souvenirs etc. you want to buy. Don't forget to allow for tips for the Tour Manager (if they are based in the UK I normally pay them in Sterling), the driver and the local guides - JY will have given you an idea of how much in your holiday information. If you are overnighting in Heathrow or Gatwick, don't forget to take extra sterling with you, or pay for your meals by credit card.

Hope this helps.



  • (Member)
I always get cards and small amount of cash, because there is no ATM anywhere.

I dont believe in that kind of cheqs, many people could sell it only for scam