  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have just returned from holiday and successfully brought two bottles of wine back with me. Before I went I packed a couple of pieces of bubble wrap, the one with small bubbles. It takes up no room and weighs even less.

Each bottle was wrapped separately in bubble wrap and a top or trousers and came through unscathed.

Success was all in the planning!!


  • (Member)
I have just returned from long haul with a bottle of spirit wrapped in two plastic bags and placed amongst clothing came through fine, I always bring bottle back never had a broken one YET!!!!!!


Mick W
  • (Member)

Always next time, lol.

  • (Member)
Friends of mine brought back a couple of really nice bottles of wine from Spain a couple of years ago and wrapped them very carefully in clothes etc. The blooming baggage handlers turfed the cases around so much that the bottles were smashed and clothes ruined - beware!!!

Besta luck,


  • (Member)

thanks for that.....but I can always buy a new ladies like NEW clothes !!!!


Puer aeternus
As I said in a previous post that wasnt published (i'm not one of the chosen few yet? :huh:) why bother bringing it back? drink it on holiday, it never tastes the same once your home.
  • (Member)
I've brought Schnapps and white wine with no probs, just placed centrally in my luggage and wrapped in clothes. I would never bring red wine back this way!

On the Lake Garda holiday a few years ago, I bought a case of wine and paid the extra to have it delivered to my home. I'm ashamed to say that I wondered if it would ever reach me. It was actually waiting for me when I got home!