Peter G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This was the third time Just You operated this trip. 

13 of us travelled with our tour manager Thea Zarifipoulou to Bogata and onward to Quito. One other person flew from Bristol via Amsterdam. We were met by our local guide Lenin at Quito airport which is about an hour from Quito. The Holiday Inn Express hotel was fine with big rooms and large beds. It only provided breakfasts. There were places to eat in the vicinity.Some of us had lunch in an American style diner.There was also a McDonalds and Burger King opposite the hotel. We had a free afternoon.After Our welcome drink we went with our TM to the Italian restaurant next door.

On day 3 we had a tour of Quito.First stop was a meat,fish and fruit market where we tasted eggfruit and custard apple. Then up Panecillo Hill to see the view and a statue of Mary with wings. Lunch was in Independence Square in the old town. We had a visit to a church  (Compania) and the cathedral. Back at the hotel the sports bags were distributed.

On day 4 with surplus items left in our suitcases in the hotel storeroom,we departed for Mindo. After a stop on the rim of an old volcano to view the fields and houses in the caldera  we stopped near Mindo to see the hummingbirds. Our wooden hotel was approached down a rough track in the forest. Most were in the main building but some were in lodges. After lunch we continued into Mindo for chocolate tasting and walked to the orchid centre for a guided tour.They were in flower. We had some free time in town . After a little free time at the hotel we departed at dusk for the frog chorus at a lake.We saw a few frogs but could hear a lot. Here a couple of us had sickness (was it the chocolate!! who knows). Back at the hotel I did not have dinner.

Day 5 started with a 0600 hours walk in the forest but we did not much wildlife but could hear birds. There were hummingbirds near the hotel. After breakfast we started our return to Quito ,stopping at the Crater hotel for lunch with a view in the same crater as the previous day and then stopping at the old and the new equator lines. Our TM suggested it might be easier to take our suitcases with us to the Galapagos Islands and leave our sports bags with our dirty washing etc at the Quito hotel.

On day 6 we departed with our suitcases for the airport. Our TM collected our passports and $20 from us to obtain our entry documents at the airport . Our luggage had to go through a scanner  for the Galapagos Islands. Once our passports had been returned with the entry document it was the normal check in,luggage drop and security (including another scanner). The plane landed at Guayaquil for 40 minutes before continuing to Baltra island.At the airport there was a passport check and then we had to pay $100. We handed over our landing cards and our hand luggage was scanned. Then the hold luggage was checked by sniffer dogs,some bags were taken for closer inspection and then we could collect our luggage. We were met by Pepo,our local guide . We travelled in an 'airport' bus across the barren island to a harbour, then a 10 minute small ferry ride to Santa Cruz on our minibus. (All land transport was by minibuses) We drove to the highlands for lunch,to see the giant tortoises and to walk through a lava tunnel. Then on to the town of Puerto Ayora and our hotel on the edge of town. The minibus took us to the seafront in the evening. We were told to split into small groups and go to different restaurants for speed of service. After dinner we watched the fish in the sea and the sealions on the pier.

On day 7 we took a water taxi out to our speedboat which could take twice our number. We had a pleasant 2 hour trip to Isabella island. There were several sealions and marine iguanas here. The streets of the town were unmade and presented a more remote atmosphere. After lunch we had the optional Tintoreras trip. Those who were snorkelling had been kitted out and had a trial in the hotel swimming pool before lunch. The trip was within the bay and we saw penguins,walked amongst the marine iguanas and landed on lava rocks. Two of us (one lady had been ill) sat on the rocks with the crabs watching the snorkellers. Some found it difficult climbing back onto the rocks afterwards.

On day 8 we walked up the Sierra Negra volcano. It was raining and we nearly turned back but the weather cleared and we could see into the caldera.Back to town for lunch and then to the tortoise breeding centre. Then we walked back to the hotel via the wetlands to see the flamingos and pintail ducks. I also saw the marine iguanas coming out of the sea. The hotel was next to the beach.

Day 9 another lady was unwell. 6 of the group went on the other optional snorkelling trip. Three of us went for a long walk along the beach to a nature reserve. Those of us not on the optional trip were taken to a restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon we returned to Santa Cruz by speedboat.  Three of us walked into town for dinner,others took the minibus.

On day 10  the minibus took us to the Darwin centre where we saw saddleback tortoises and a land iguana . Todsay was hat and humid.We did not see the late Lonesome George as his home was closed for maintenance. But we did see Super Diego.We walked to a restaurant for luch opposite the fish market where women were feeding scraps to sealions and pelicans. then it was another 2 hour speedboat ride to San Cristobel island.There were very many sealions here. some crossed the road and traffic had to stop. Our hotel Miconia was close to the pier . It looked like a street cafe from the front. At the rear were the rooms and the gym. My room was actually a front bedroom (single bed) and a rear bedroom (double bed) and air con with the only window through into the front bedroom. It was basic The breakfast was minimal - 'waiter' service.

On day 11 we were split into 2 groups. Our boats did things in a different order. My boat cruised along the coast and we saw blue footed boobies and frigate birds. We landed on a remote beach where we waded in the water around mangrove trees  and had free time to try snorkeling from the beach,swim or lay on the beach. We had to wade from and to our boat. After lunch on board we went to Kicker Rock for snorkeling from the boat. 3 of us stayed on the boat. We saw humpback whales blowing in the distance and Nazca Boobies on the Rock.

On day 12 we had free time to explore and a buffet lunch at the guide's office before flying back to Quito. Dinner was in a local restaurant.

On day 13 we had a scenic journey to Otavalo to see a large street market. Some of us went to the cathedral. Then it was on to Cotacachi for lunch and the opportunity to buy leather goods. We made an extra top at a traditional textile workshop where we were shown how alpaca wool was dyed,washing spun and woven. The farewell dinner was in a restaurant near our Quito hotel.

Day 14 we had a free morning. Some people had been considering going on a cable car  but it was raining and not worth it. At lunch time we travelled to the airport for our flight to Bogota and onward to London.

The guides and TM were very good. Some of us had sickness and headaches. The weather was good . We had only a little rain. A very enjoyable holiday.

  • (Member)
Hi David

Thank you for the review. I wish we had a chance to learn snorkelling in a swimming pool! For our snorkelling (tintoreras) we had to jump from the boat into the deep water not from the rocks - I did jump but becasue my mask was loose and water kept getting in, I panicked and had to climb back on the boat! I am glad you enjoyed the holiday. One of the best for me.



  • (Member)
Sorry Peter, I called you David in my previous post!


Maureen WH
I was a member of Peter G’s group and agree with his overview of the trip. Luckily I have snorkelled previously so was able to take full advantage of the three trips which were excellent. We swam with sea lions, turtles, martine iguanas, eagle and golden rays, parrot fish, a sea horse, many small black tip sharks and a large white tip shark and saw shoals of beautiful fish, a bright blue starfish, sea cucumbers, etc, etc. - truly magical and just like watching David Attenborough programmes. The Galápagos Islands are as magical as I imagined and I hope they are able to keep them so. This was my first JY trip and I was very impressed with our Tour Manager Thea who made sure that everything ran smoothly and that we saw as much as possible and the local guides Lenin and Pepo who clearly love their country and were very knowledgeable. We were blessed with good weather, had a friendly group and I had a wonderful time.

The only fly in the ointment was the Miconia Hotel which can only be described as a backpackers hotel. I was relieved to find air conditioning in my bedroom and the location is good but my room was small with an ineffectual shower, a mat with turned up corners (a trip hazard), close to a noisy gym and banging and crashing from the kitchen. The breakfast also left a lot to be desired and there was no facility for hot drinks.