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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I had wanted to do this trip for some time and researched other companies doing "the little trains".  Most of the tours based themselves in Rosas and had long coach trips to the Red, yellow and blue trains, which I didnt want.  having been a big fan of Just You holidays I was thrilled to learn we would be spending 4 nights in Camprodon then 3 nights in Rosas - perfect!! Only downside would be flying from Manchester however that turned out to be easy - train to Manchester, stayed in hotel within the airport and with 10mins walk found myself checking in my bags at the airport. JY - please note this is an easy option for those with limited mobility rather than go to London - a member of our party flew to London and had a nightmare transfer from one terminal to another - assistance was not forthcoming....

We were met at Barcelona by our Tour Manager and Tour Guide and four of us found ourselves with the luxury of a taxi transfer to Camprodon!! The taxi driver was wonderful, stopping en route for refreshments and a chat - our holiday started here!! The hotel at Camprodon was full of character, the owner and staff very helpful.  All rooms were completely different though,  with old fashioned elegance and so spacious!! The pace of the tours was just right although our trip on yellow train was the longest day.  The coach drive was amazing, however if prone to travel sickness put on your wristbands or pop a pill - you really want to enjoy this  wonderful journey!! The trip on the blue train to the monastery was breathtaking and our visit there was certainly a treat to the eyes!! There was only one cafe open - dont rely on eating there - try and take food with you and have a picnic by the lake.

We had lots of unexpected bonuses along the way - one of which was a visit to Figueres where some of us visited the Dali Museum - mind blowing!!!

Rosas was lovely and we were blessed with great weather so on our free day some of us had a rest and swam in the sea while others took a boat trip and some even hired bicycles!! The hotel here was completely different - buffet style meals of surprisingly good quality. Our tour guide put us off using the spa in the hotel - dont know why - I used it and it was of a very high standard, lovely pool and very relaxing!!

The fun train trip far surpassed our expectations!! Its not just a wee trip round the town - its a wonderful experience full of surprises - will let you find out for yourself!!!

All in all a fabulous holiday - well organised, good group of people (never giggled so much in ages!), high standard of coaching and trains throughout, great stop off places with a few unexpected bonuses along the way.....

Debbie our tour leader kept cheerful throughout - dont know how she did it!!  As usual people moaned about everything - too hot, too cold, too much food etc etc... no-one spoke English (we WERE in Catalan country!) but this was indeed one of the best JY trips I have been on and I am itching for my next holiday!!!

Thank for your review. Definitely one for my wish list
  • (Member)
Great review. Now I have yet another trip to add to my never ending list.


Hi there.  My apologies for not remarking on this before.  

What a great review.  I love trains, but was wondering how feasible this trip is for someone using a walking stick?  Is there lots of steps to negotiate etc?  I did the Catalonia Coast trip last year, and did enjoy it, but I wanted to get more out of the less commercialised areas.  I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks.   🙂

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

Hi there.  My apologies for not remarking on this before.  

What a great review.  I love trains, but was wondering how feasible this trip is for someone using a walking stick?  Is there lots of steps to negotiate etc?  I did the Catalonia Coast trip last year, and did enjoy it, but I wanted to get more out of the less commercialised areas.  I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks.   :)

We did have a few people on our trip with mobility restrictions, however I did think, to be honest with you, they didnt get the most out of the trip, especially when we visited villages with cobbled street, had our walk on the Roman Road, wanted to see the architecture in Olot etc.  There were always choices of course but they usually consisted of sitting in a cafe watching the world go by or waiting for us on the bus. Our Tour manager was very mindful and considerate of those with mobility restrictions and no one complained, however its all up to how the individual perceives it i.e. is it a problem or a challenge?  There is also the issue of getting on and off buses and trains - always someone there to help though!! Both hotels had lifts and easy access. I would say if you make JY aware when you book then they would be able to advise you?

'jintzky' wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Hi there.  My apologies for not remarking on this before.  

What a great review.  I love trains, but was wondering how feasible this trip is for someone using a walking stick?  Is there lots of steps to negotiate etc?  I did the Catalonia Coast trip last year, and did enjoy it, but I wanted to get more out of the less commercialised areas.  I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks.   :)

We did have a few people on our trip with mobility restrictions, however I did think, to be honest with you, they didnt get the most out of the trip, especially when we visited villages with cobbled street, had our walk on the Roman Road, wanted to see the architecture in Olot etc.  There were always choices of course but they usually consisted of sitting in a cafe watching the world go by or waiting for us on the bus. Our Tour manager was very mindful and considerate of those with mobility restrictions and no one complained, however its all up to how the individual perceives it i.e. is it a problem or a challenge?  There is also the issue of getting on and off buses and trains - always someone there to help though!! Both hotels had lifts and easy access. I would say if you make JY aware when you book then they would be able to advise you?

Many thanks for this.  It's really helpful to get feedback.   :)

Cobbles, are not a problem to be honest.  And I can get on and off buses okay.  It's going down high steps which is a problem, and steep slopes, going down.  I can get up them okay.  

I take your point about asking CS, and I always declare I use a walking stick.  Just recently though I have found CS are not that helpful on advice on specific holidays.  Also they have stopped giving any advice on the amount of walking needed, except on optional trips.  I can walk fine, I just have to take my time, and I am always mindful when I am in a group of holding people up.  I hope that makes sense?  

Thanks.   🙂